What have been your SN child's accomplishments over the past year?
Dd has had joint attention since right before she turned two but in the context of highly preferred play activities. Her speech therapy has been routine based, mostly closed end, predictable activities with new ones gradually brought in to expand her play skills which she has done well with. Today at the end of therapy dd wasn't ready to quit playing. Her therapist was talking to me since we had to switch her schedule for next week and dd tried to get her attention. Her therapist asked her to wait for a second so she could finish up what she was saying. Dd then began hopping on her rody horse she got for christmas and intentionally fell off it to get her SLPs attention. Her SLP then made up a social game involving her new toy and dd mimicked, listened to and followed instructions, waited her turn, showed great joint attention and used her words. She ended up being 15 minutes late to her next appointment because she couldn't stop playing with dd. i was thinking back to the kid at her first evaluation a year and a half ago who shoved the toys in her mouth they showed her and put her head in my lap and cried when they asked her to do anything. We've come so, so far even though its tough to remember sometimes. I'm really excited to see what 2014 brings.
Re: Triumphs of 2013
-Independent sitting
-New interest in food.
-Trach removal.
-First wheelchair = Independent mobility.
-First words.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
Learned to ride a tricycle
Flew cross country without any problem
Carries on conversations
Learned how to float on his back and graduated water safety class!
Speech has gotten clearer and I think we may not qualify for speech therapy services come their next evaluation.
Getting better at walking in the walker. Scissors a lot but has started to figure out turning corners even though the wheels are locked so he can only go forward in a straight line. Asks for his walker sometimes too. :-)
Ever so slowly getting better at wheelchair skills but we have a long way to go. He can (I think) get into it basically on his own!
Can pedal a tricycle on his own!
Is starting to side sit and long sit and get in and out of those positions on his own. :-)
Writes his name and most other capitals with modeling
Attempting to sound out words
His back and forth conversation skills have blossomed
He's so much better at small social things like getting your attention before talking to you and turn taking.
His pretend play and problem solving skills are so much better
Starting to be more assertive.
DS 09/2008
Since his inital developmental eval in June, he has gone from humming only to making a variety of noises and even some words. He has about 30 words, including a bunch of two word phrases and a few sentences. His receptive language has skyrocketed as well. He follows some important commands (get down, sit down, no touch).
His eye contact, imitative play and general engagement in the word around him has improved hugely.
Thank you for this thread. Ive been struggling feeling like he has stalled and we arent seeing improvement...when actually he has come a long way.
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
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