March 2014 Moms

Not bragging, but anyone else having an EXTREMELY easy pregnancy?

This is my first, and I am in absolute awe over the fact that the worst symptom I had was being tired in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.  I've had a little bout of constipation that lasted 3 days, and heartburn every now and then, but nothing that was major.  I hear so many horror stories about women and bad pregnancies, so it makes me wonder when the ball will drop and something bad will happen.  I don't expect it to, and I'm very thankful it's been easy, but I feel like I'm waiting for the storm, ya know, "the calm before the storm".  Anyone else feel like sharing about this??


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Re: Not bragging, but anyone else having an EXTREMELY easy pregnancy?

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    This is how I was my first pregnancy. They've gotten progressively harder.
    Bubba, born Jan. 2007 * Sissy, born Apr. 2009 * Baby Sister, born Feb. 2014
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    I'm the same way. I know a lot of pregnant ladies right now and most of them are having a terrible pregnancy. If it wasn't for the fact the I've gained weight and can now feel the baby move I would never believe I was pregnant. This is my first one also and so far it's been a breeze.
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    My first was a breeze even with the slight m/s up to 22w until 32 weeks hit. Then I had regular contractions that landed me in L&D way too many times but never actually sent me in to labor.
    Married - 5/2008
    DS #1 - Born 9/2011
    DS #2 - EDD 3/2014
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    Yes. And it sounds weird - but especially at first, it scared the hell out of me. I've had several losses and the doctors kept telling me that one of the "symptoms" of loss was not having many early pregnancy symptoms. I kept sort of wanting to feel awful and get sick so that I'd feel more reassured that this was the pregnancy that was going to stick. I guess I'm just no symptoms whether everything is going great or going to hell! I'll take it though!
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    JAck5209 said:
    This is how I felt about my first pregnancy. Apparently I was too braggy about it so the universe decided to up the ante and give me surprise twins. ;)
    This is how I feel right about now.  LOL  Twins run in my family, and I wanted twins with this one, husband, not so much.  :)  But I keep telling my husband that this pregnancy has been so easy that the next one will be a holy terror.  LOL, he just keeps smiling and nodding to agree with me as to not have any emotional breakdowns.


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    I feel pretty good about being able to work up until my due date.  If all goes as planned, I am prepared to take Maternity Leave starting that Monday (due date being that Wednesday).  I'm just so excited to be hitting the 30 week mark this week, makes it a little more real.


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    babycaps said:
    The truth is, most women have relatively easy pregnancies, but because we all naturally like to talk about the worse things, it always sounds like all women have horrible pregnancies.  If you look at it by the numbers, "only" about 25-30% of women are really truly sick, super uncomfortable all the time, and although most women have mild discomforts, mostly are happy and healthy for the majority of the time!

    I'm with you, I have had a great pregnancy, in fact, I LOVE being pregnant.  It's fun, it's weird, it's surreal!  Yes, I have some pain in my ribs when I'm sitting down, and some constipation and constant thirst.  I am not sleeping badly, but I wake up A LOT during the night. But these are little things at least on my book!

    Ok, yes, I do have those little things.  But to me, when I say easy, I don't find it bad to wake up 2-3 times a night to use the restroom, I figured that's natures way of processing all the water I'm drinking and getting me ready for the little one waking up throughout the night.  :)  I find these small things to be irrelavant compared to the major things I hear women express.  I have not felt pregnant yet, and I'm right around 30 weeks.  So I feel truly blessed and hope it continues to the end.  But I'm glad you wrote about the little things, because I do experience those, and I don't want to give off a false sense of "perfection" I guess you could say.


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    Trying something out, please be patient with me.  :)  I'm not great at technology, and I'm trying to figure out how to put a baby tracker on here.  LOL





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    Ugh, of course it didn't work again!  :(


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    Mine had been super easy this time, to the point that I was freaked out about  not having m/s.  Now that I'm in third tri, I'm starting to get the horrible hip and leg joint pain at night and not being able to sleep comfortably.  I count myself very lucky though.

    My pregnancy with DS was much harder, comparatively.
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    This is me! Worse symptom I have had is my skin breaking out more than normal, and a lack of appetite during the 1st trimester. I'm just now back up to my normal weight. I keep waiting for it to get more difficult. Fingers crossed that everyone's pregnancy is easy from here on out!



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    Yeah, I'm with you! I have really felt fine. For the whole first half of pregnancy I wouldn't even have believed I was pregnant, other than my pants not fitting! I've heard that the following pregnancies can get worse b/c the first one depletes your body of nutrients. blah. Only recently am I starting to really huff and puff and feel rather uncomfortable.

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    This pregnancy has been very easy so far, other than some minor aches and pains. My first was easy from second tri onwards, and even the m/s and exhaustion in first tri was just normal, nothing major.
    image image
    D: Born 7.14.11
    Baby #2: BFP 9.19.12, EDD 5.24.13, natural m/c 10.19.13 at 9w
    O: Born 3.2.14 (med-free!)
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    This is my second and the only issue I have is occasional heartburn and pretty moderate constipation. Even in the beginning, I had so few symptoms I though either the doctor mixed up my test results or I was afraid of miscarrying. My first pregnancy was pretty "standard".
    February 19, 2010- BFP! March 14, 2010- M/C January 17, 2011- BFP! April 26th, 2011- It's a boy! Due September 20, 2011 May 2, 2011- Confirmed Gastroschisis August 7, 2011- Labor begins August 12, 2011- Max is born October 4, 2011- Max comes home!

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    I have been loving being pregnant. I was a little nauseous weeks 8-12 (I did vomit once). But other than that, I've been fine. I actually have been sleeping better pregnant than before.

    I'm sure this will all change in a few weeks and I will get uncomfortable.


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    I would say I have easy pregnancies overall, but it's not like they're totally a breeze.  I do get sick in the beginning, I have pregnancy induced panic attacks, heartburn, lower back pain, shortness of breath...things like that but they're all manageable and a pretty small part of the overall experience!  I will say that certain parts have gotten harder the more kids I have, I'd guess mainly because I'm not getting as much rest and have more to do, but that's to be expected.  
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    My first was a breeze as well.  This time around...not so much!  I have every symptom imaginable!
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    meeeeeeee! *knock on wood* I feel like I'm the bubbly blonde girl from 'what to expect'. I'm that new mom frolicking through a wheat field with her perfect hair blowing in the wind. LOL.

    really, at the beginning although I just kinda knew from day 1 that I was pg, aside from the baby bump forming and some food aversions I had 0 symptoms. no ms, no issues. super sleepy but that's about it. I am soooo thankful I didn't get nauseous.  even now, aside from getting tired easily and some minor hip/belly soreness if I'm too active, there are very few symptoms. thank goodness my belly is big and baby is moving or I wouldn't believe I was pg! :)

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    FTM here as well. MH had said that if every pregnancy is like this then we'll be having a lot more! I had no MS at all, I have no heartburn, I'm still sleeping through the night, and I still do not look that pregnant at 28 weeks! The worst symptoms that I have are exhaustion (but that could stem from working so much) and a low sex drive. Here's to hoping they're all like this!!
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    JAck5209 said:

    This is how I felt about my first pregnancy. Apparently I was too braggy about it so the universe decided to up the ante and give me surprise twins. ;)

    That's me too :). I actually can't say too much this time because while it's been tougher than the first pregnancy it still seems easier than many twin pregnancies and even some singletons, like my SIL. She had HG and I felt so bad for her. She has the better sleepers, though!
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    snow527 said:

    If I didn't have to work it wouldn't be so bad. During/after a shift I feel like I was in a car accident I'm so sore. When I'm off I'm feeling pretty good.

    I agree. I'm sore at work but other than that, things have been very relaxed. I feel very blessed. :)
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    Lilly&CoLilly&Co member
    edited December 2013
    Maybe because my first 2 were extremely hard and the 3rd was not quite as hard this one seems like nothing, but the basic my clothes don't fit because of bump and I feel him kicking up a storm, but no nausea, or really any symptoms, my feet haven't swollen either which is amazing because it looked like I had sprained ankles with the other 3. I have been in both places of horrible pregnancies, to the point my Eldest daughter was almost an only child due to extreme complications. I am over all pretty grateful. I bet though once he is out he will be a terror, it evens out eventually. :) 
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    acdiaz11 said:

    FTM here as well. MH had said that if every pregnancy is like this then we'll be having a lot more! I had no MS at all, I have no heartburn, I'm still sleeping through the night, and I still do not look that pregnant at 28 weeks! The worst symptoms that I have are exhaustion (but that could stem from working so much) and a low sex drive. Here's to hoping they're all like this!!

    Haha mh says the same thing! It's been pretty easy over here too, nothing out of the ordinary. I had some mild ms and fatigue in the beginning, and now my worst problem is heartburn. But like pp said, nothing that isn't easily fixable. I could do this three more times. I have heard though that they get progressively harder.
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