Pros: I have a lot to do at work since it's year end. Also, there will be a ton of people there today and as the HR rep it is a good day to make myself available. Not to mention that because of daycare I'll only be in for a half day tomorrow and off on the 1st. Plus there will be free food at work today.
Cons: LO was a sick mess this weekend and it's pushing it to call him healthy enough for daycare. And I worked an extra day last week so it would be a comp day since I'm salary. I can also do a few things from home on my home computer.
Should I go to work today? 50 votes
suck it up and go to work
take it easy and stay home
Re: Should I go to work today?
Story of my life. But giving your LO an extra day to rest may save you from having to take days off later in the week if/when he is worse