Cloth Diapering


When you snappi, do you make sure the fabric overlaps in the front? I have a little more room to fan out but it seems like our GMD yellows are getting small already and I have to stretch the snappi quite a ways with angel wing fold.
Also, how about absorbency with these or flats? I have plenty to trifold but should I invest in some wide baby red edge or will the yellows work with an older baby? TIA

Re: Prefolds

  • freezorburnfreezorburn member
    edited December 2013
    Yes you want the fabric to overlap. If you have made the fabric as wide as possible and it's getting hard to overlap, you may need to size up soon.

    As far as absorbency goes you could trifold and just lay them in covers or use them to stuff pockets. I think they are plenty absorbent as your baby gets older. We started using red edge around 4 months, and DS has only occasionally saturated them, so the red edge is really more about fit. Flats are also very absorbent and you can use snappis with them as well.
  • Yeah.  There is still more I can fan out, it just seems like they won't fit for another couple months like I was expecting!  It seems like I have to stretch the snappi quite a bit.  I guess that must be normal as he gets bigger?  I can't decide if I should get some bigger prefolds or just use my flats if I want to snappi.
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  • With a bigger prefold you will have more overlap and won't have to stretch the Snappi as much.

    If you already have flats, give them a try. I have a boy too, we love airplane fold.
  • What fold are you using?

    Bikini twist and the reverse angel wing give more coverage for the wings to overlap.  

    Also I recently discovered the flats love.  G is 24 pounds and has TONs of growing room left on his still.  And you can customize the fold to give extra absorbency where you need it. 
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  • We use our flats sometimes.  Maybe I need to experiment with new folds.  @CLLDLL That link has always confused me.  Do you fold the front down?
  • shan417 said:
    We use our flats sometimes.  Maybe I need to experiment with new folds.  @CLLDLL That link has always confused me.  Do you fold the front down?
    Yes.  You fold the diaper in thirds and fan out the back just like you are going to do the angel wing.  Lay baby on top so the back of the diaper is about even with LO's belly button.  Pull the front up between baby's legs.  Then the brilliant part is you fold the front down towards the outside of the diaper (so the extra is towards the ceiling, not touching baby's belly).  Fold it down far enough that the top sits just below LO's belly button.  Fan it out so you have plenty to work with.  Then pull both back and front "wings" up towards baby's head snugly and snappi.  Repeat on the other side.  Trimmest fold I've found and it gives lots of extra material for reaching around baby.  
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  • CLLDLL said:

    Yes.  You fold the diaper in thirds and fan out the back just like you are going to do the angel wing.  Lay baby on top so the back of the diaper is about even with LO's belly button.  Pull the front up between baby's legs.  Then the brilliant part is you fold the front down towards the outside of the diaper (so the extra is towards the ceiling, not touching baby's belly).  Fold it down far enough that the top sits just below LO's belly button.  Fan it out so you have plenty to work with.  Then pull both back and front "wings" up towards baby's head snugly and snappi.  Repeat on the other side.  Trimmest fold I've found and it gives lots of extra material for reaching around baby.  
    I just used this fold for the first time. @CLLDLL is right. This fold is super trim, and makes it much easier to snappi the prefold.

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  • Hmm. I'll try it!  Thanks :)
    edited December 2013
    CLLDLL said:
    shan417 said:
    We use our flats sometimes.  Maybe I need to experiment with new folds.  @CLLDLL That link has always confused me.  Do you fold the front down?
    Yes.  You fold the diaper in thirds and fan out the back just like you are going to do the angel wing.  Lay baby on top so the back of the diaper is about even with LO's belly button.  Pull the front up between baby's legs.  Then the brilliant part is you fold the front down towards the outside of the diaper (so the extra is towards the ceiling, not touching baby's belly).  Fold it down far enough that the top sits just below LO's belly button.  Fan it out so you have plenty to work with.  Then pull both back and front "wings" up towards baby's head snugly and snappi.  Repeat on the other side.  Trimmest fold I've found and it gives lots of extra material for reaching around baby.  

    I am giggling bc the first time I read thru this, it came off like you snappi it to his head. Reading comprehension fail!
    @unaveragejane   You kill me!! LLOL!!  I always say pull towards baby's head instead of just pull up because back when I was first learning to put on prefolds I read a description that said to pull the wings up.  Once I figured out what wings were I thought it meant up towards the ceiling.  Yeah.  My first few prefolds were very saggy on G's butt!!  :P
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