Cloth Diapering

Good deal?

Hi everyone! I'm a FTM and want to cloth diaper my LO. I found this on Craig's list today and was wondering if this was a good deal and if these were good diapers to get.

Includes 28 Fuzzibunz one-size diapers in assorted gender neutral colors. All in great condition. 2-3 of them are missing one button but still work perfectly. Also comes with 2 different size inserts, 2 laundry bags, 1 wet bag for your diaper bag, 1 never opened Charlies laundry soap for washing them, cloth wipes, 8 hemp inserts, extra elastic, and a toilet sprayer. Used for approximately 6 months.

Thank you for your advice!

Re: Good deal?

  • How much are they asking?
  • Oh sorry!! :) $250
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  • I think that's a good deal, but it's risky to put $250 into diapers that you've never tried on your LO before.  A lot of people love FB's, but others don't.  I liked the diaper itself, but I hated adjusting leg elastic so I got rid of the few I had.

    If it was me, I would probably ask if she would split the diapers up.  Maybe take like 10 diapers and the other stuff for $100-$150.  Maybe she could sell the other diapers to someone else.  That way I wouldn't be out quite as much money if I didn't love them (but still have enough to try out).
  • I second that it's important to try before you stock up.  I didn't settle on the first diaper we tried.  So a good deal could end up to be a big waste.
  • edited December 2013
    Ditto PP. I have one FB that I hate. I hate stuffing it and adjusting the leg elastics. It fits fine though....
  • I actually really love our FB... but I'm curious about this whole "missing a button" thing... FBs are sized BY the buttons! If a sizing button is missing, you can't keep the elastic tight. If she means a SNAP is missing... how on Earth did they lose a snap?! and how is there not a massive whole in the PUL now? Am I over-thinking this?
    To answer your question, though... it *might* be a great deal if you love FB, but there are many people who just don't. That's a lot to spend on an unknown. I agree with PP... ask if she'd be willing to split the lot so you can get some without going all in.
    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

  • Thank you all for your responses. Being a FTM this spring, I want to have my CD supply ready and have a great CD to work with. There are just so many to choose from. I'm also looking at the Alva or best bottoms diapers. Any experience with these? Thanks!
  • I am head-over-heels in love with my Best Bottoms! We're using them pretty much exclusively at this point and I have absolutely no issues. I use their BB inserts and nighttime doublers too, but prefolds under them would be just fine as well. I've never used Alvas or the Fuzzibunz in in the craigslist offering.


  • I only have one Best Bottoms, but I LOVE it. It's so trim, and it's absolutely adorable. I have two BB inserts for it, but have used it as a "normal" cover as well.
    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

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