Hi, ladies! My husband and I are expecting baby number 2, due on September 6. I was going to go introduce myself on the September board and found out it doesn't exist.
Our son will be two in February, so our kids will be two years and seven months apart. DS was delivered via an unplanned c-section, so I have 8-ish months to decide if I'm trying for a vbac or scheduling a repeat c-section.
My husband had to work on Christmas day, so DS and I were out of town with my parents and siblings. I was having cramps for a few days and expecting my period, but when it didn't start, I decided to take a pregnancy test that I had brought with me (it was left over from when we were TTC DS.) I took it and it was positive, and then I realized it had expired in February of this year. So then I spent all day not totally sure whether or not I was actually pregnant, and I didn't want to tell anyone in was in case it was wrong. (For the record, everything I found online said that an expired test is more likely to give a false negative than a false positive, because the chemical that detects hcg starts to break down.) So the next day, I managed to sneak out to a drugstore to buy a new pregnancy test, which was also positive.
I look forward to getting to know you all! Best wishes for happy and healthy pregnancies and babies!
Re: Here we go again!