February 2014 Moms

Vaca timing question

So let me start off by saying I am totally appreciative of my SO planning our last trip without the baby, but I am extremely worried about the timing he has picked. He booked a weekend in PA for just us, so we can relax and enjoy the company of each other before LO arrives. However he picked the first weekend of FEBRUARY! I am to be induced by the 21st if I don't already go before that. The place we're staying is about an hour in a half away from home/hospital.

My question is would you go, or Ask him to cancel. I love the idea of it, but terrified about the timing.

Re: Vaca timing question

  • As long as you aren't having complications, I would go and ENJOY YOURSELF!!! :) 1.5 hours isn't too far away if you do go into labor.
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  • I'd probably ask your doctor first if you can go. My doctor won't let me go more than an hour away after a certain point (I'm pretty sure it's after 36 weeks). If your doctor is okay with it and you are feeling okay, I'd probably go. Would it be easy to cancel last minute if you were not feeling well or something happened?
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  • I think you should still go :) My doctor says any less than 2 hours from hospital is okay. Most people labor at home for way longer than 2 hours anyway, unless you have some special reason you'd need to be at the hospital sooner. 

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  • Yeah this is a question for your doc. My doc doesn't want me more than an hour away from the hospital from here on... but I'm also on my third. She was a little more accomodating with my first and allowed me to go to Barbados 6 weeks before my due date (which was a huge mistake- I was miserable the whole time!) At that stage (heck, even now), all I want is MY bed/recliner so I don't know if I'd be up for it.






  • Thanks ladies! I will for sure ask the Doc. Maybe it's just me being a overthinking FTM :)
  • Just be warned: the farmers almanac is predicting the northeast is getting hit by a megastorm that weekend (like 4ft of snow).

    I don't put much faith into the FA, but thought would throw that out there. We've only talked about it because it's Super Bowl and EDD weekend ;)

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  • Oh man I forgot about that being super bowl weekend! That's alright. I already know the Ravens probably aren't making it a second year in a row! Also I wish that were the case!!!! Id love to be snowed in at home.
  • I'd ask your doctor before making a decision. If you're not flying and you can get to the hospital if anything happens, and you feel good, go for it if your doctor says it's fine.
  • My hospital is further than that from my home. I would go.

    Mine is also. So I agree that you should go.
  • Ask your dr, of course, but I'd go. In fact, I'm thinking of trying to talk DH into at least a night away.
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