
Traveling in 2nd Tri

Hi!  I am sure this has been asked before, but I am having search trouble.  Has anyone traveled via plane in 2nd tri with twins?  I am pregnant with di/di twins, and so far everything is complication-free.  DH and I are hoping to use his frequent flyer miles for a little trip away before the babies get here, and logistically February looks good to us.  I will be between 19 and 23 weeks at the time, and it would be a short flight (about 2-3 hours).  Obviously I would get cleared by a doctor, but did anyone else travel in 2nd tri?  Is it worth it?
DD- Born 03/09/2010
DS- Born 01/21/2012
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Re: Traveling in 2nd Tri

  • I am in my 2nd tri & am not going to attempt it, but I have had some issues. I have heard from multiple people that travel gets restricted earlier when you have twins, BUT the best way to be sure is to ask your dr. They will know better than any of us.
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    "To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and undoubtedly inhabited" - Anne Buchanan
  • CaliCarly77CaliCarly77 member
    edited December 2013
    I went to my friend's wedding at 23 weeks and it was fine - I too have di/di twins and a totally uneventful pregnancy. I flew from Los Angeles to Boston, and made sure to have direct flights that were at convenient hours, no waking up too early or red eyes (so they were a bit pricier, but worth it). I had an aisle seat so I could pee and walk the aisle when needed, that was super helpful. Let people help you (bell men, husband, airport personnel) with bags or anything else and keep a ton of $1s in your pocket for tips. You may want to consider flip flops for security, so you don't have to struggle with putting shoes back on where there may not be any benches, keep socks and shoes in your carry on to change into later. I also put on compression socks for the flight. 

    I absolutely do not regret the trip at all, I keep looking back on it as such a great getaway with my husband to relax. Our lives at home are super busy and hectic and it was nice to be away and not required to do anything but rest in our giant hotel bed!! We did do some sightseeing but I made sure to not worry about the cost of cabs when I got too tired to continue. (I am normally super frugal). 

    That said - I had purchased trip insurance for both the flights and the hotel, and had a Dr. appointment a few days before the trip to get the go ahead to go. 

    We went on a trip at 14 weeks that was a disaster - I had purchased red eye tickets months in advance, before we knew we were pregnant, with a two day turnaround (LA to Connecticut) and I was exhausted and worried the whole time, so this helped me plan our 23 week trip better. 
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  • My MFM put my travel cut-off at 25 weeks. I traveled 10 hours by car that week to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family, as that was the only time I would be able to see them while pregnant and probably for a long time after the twins are born.

    I second the compression socks and insurance because you just never know what could happen. I'm also a contingency planner so I would l
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  • Sorry, I'm mobile and my phone hates me :). As I was saying..

    I would know what your options will be for hospitals in the area you are traveling to.
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  • Personally I would consider it at 19 weeks but not much later than that.
    I turned down a free trip at 22 weeks because I didn't want to travel and although I had a totally uneventful pregnancy and delivered at 37 wks I have no regrets.
    As it turned out I started having BHs at 22 weeks so we went into l&d to get checked out (was fine but peace of mind was great).
    But I tended more towards conservative
  • I had no travel restrictions at all bc "there are hospitals everywhere" was the quote from my drs.

    I'd go. Just know what's available hospital wise should you need it.

  • I traveled when I was 21 weeks and did fine. Although my flight was only an hour and a half. I def recommend getting the aisle seat for easy access to the bathroom. And the sooner you can go the better!
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  • I am traveling by plane at 25 weeks for my shower, it is an hour and 20 min direct flight and I have not had any complications so far. My doctor cleared out of town/plane travel until 28 weeks. I also told my mom that is something comes up she has to be prepared to cancel the shower.

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  • Just flew at 23 to 24 weeks for Christmas. Totally worth it. We purchased economy comfort plus seats and I sat on the isle. Doctor said to walk around on the flight if it was more than a 2 hr flight.
  • I think it depends what you plan to do. I'm 21 weeks now and uncomfortable enough that I have difficulty walking short distances. Just finished a trip for Christmas with my husband and almost 2 yo. Without my daughter, it may have been fine . But between traveling and chasing her, i was a wreck .
  • I flew cross country around 21 weeks. You just have to way up and walk as much as possible to prevent blood clots and help with swelling.
    Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008

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