Hi! I am sure this has been asked before, but I am having search trouble. Has anyone traveled via plane in 2nd tri with twins? I am pregnant with di/di twins, and so far everything is complication-free. DH and I are hoping to use his frequent flyer miles for a little trip away before the babies get here, and logistically February looks good to us. I will be between 19 and 23 weeks at the time, and it would be a short flight (about 2-3 hours). Obviously I would get cleared by a doctor, but did anyone else travel in 2nd tri? Is it worth it?
Re: Traveling in 2nd Tri
We went on a trip at 14 weeks that was a disaster - I had purchased red eye tickets months in advance, before we knew we were pregnant, with a two day turnaround (LA to Connecticut) and I was exhausted and worried the whole time, so this helped me plan our 23 week trip better.
I second the compression socks and insurance because you just never know what could happen. I'm also a contingency planner so I would l
I would know what your options will be for hospitals in the area you are traveling to.
I turned down a free trip at 22 weeks because I didn't want to travel and although I had a totally uneventful pregnancy and delivered at 37 wks I have no regrets.
As it turned out I started having BHs at 22 weeks so we went into l&d to get checked out (was fine but peace of mind was great).
But I tended more towards conservative
I'd go. Just know what's available hospital wise should you need it.
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008