May 2012 Moms

Mosquito Spray

I haven't had to use mosquito spray in a long time and we're going on vacation to a place that is said to have a mosquito problem. What do you use that you've liked and can I put any on DD? 
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Re: Mosquito Spray

  • I think most font work at all, I did buy a natural one this summer that helped some and was safe around kids. I only ever put it on our clothing never our skin.
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  • We used the bug spray by the Honest company and it worked well for short amounts of time (or reapply). We have used the off clip on fans before with mixed results.
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  • We're going on a Disney cruise that has a one day stop in St. Maarten. We have a friend who lives there and he advised us about the mosquito problem. I wanted to use the Off Clip On but thought if we were walking around a lot would it really work that well? I thought it was for if you were sitting in one spot then it would work best. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 

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  • Clip on works well when doing yard work, so I'd think it would work for walking around.

    Do you know kids in diapers are only allowed in one small pool on the Disney cruise and most activities are for 3 and up. I only mention it because I had a friend who wasn't told ahead of time and was very disappointed.
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  • Yes, we went last January as well with DD and DH and I had gone before DD was born. Thanks for the warning. I agree it is very disappointing that they don't cater more to children under 3 but luckily my ILs are going with us and are more than willing to take DD so DH and I can relax. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers 

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