Hello ladies - hope everyone & thier little babies are well. I posted here once before about my scheduled csection @ 35w4d due to low amniotic fluid. Well, I had the baby

I have a few questions, if anyone has advice or has been thru something similar and would llike to share, I'd love tohear your stories

Here's a brief.
She was born 5lb 15oz 19in long. Once she was out, they checked her out and she did perfect, so they sent her to regular nursery with her daddy until I recovered. Upon arrival at the nursery, they found her sugar was low, it should be above 40, but it was at 16. So they gave her formula, and she took the whole bottle like a champ (dh recorded it -amazing). Her sugar went up to normal. So she got to come to my room and hang out with us between feedings. At this point they said it was best they feed her every 2 hours and continue to watch her sugar. So eventually thay evening, they realized her sugar had not been staying high enough, and my love went down to NICU. Shes been there since thursday around 9:45pm. They have her on an IV which.started at 15, and they now have it down to 3 - they are slowly taking her off of it b/c she's responding well.and able.to keep her sugars high enough. She's been eating very well, going thru diapers, and her vitals have been normal. They decided to do an xray on her lungs to rule out any problems coming from them since they don't know why her sugars wouldn't stabalize - which also came back normal. So now they began two antibiotics via IV to rule out infection. With her now starting those meds, she will definitly be there until Sunday. I'm praying that she'll be able to come home with us sunday. I need her!
All the NICU doctors and nurses say that sshe's been doing so well, and I know its best for her to gget the help she needs, but I miss her bad. I've been going down as much as possible. Sometimes its nnot easy because the incision is sore and meds make me sleepy but I've been also calling a lot

Anyone with any similar experience?
Any advice/support regarding the NICU?
Thanks in advance. I think this board is awesome. Cant forget about.the preemie babies of the world!
(Pls excuse any spelling or grammatiCal errors, I'm mobile bumping from the hospital and I think my phone is going nuts)
Here's a pic of my princess, meet Nia.
TTC Since 112010 Naturally.
Diagnose:PCOS(ME) + Low Motility(HIM).
Started IVF+ICSI Cycle 12312.
ER 27 & ET 210 two embies transferred.
**Getting as healthy as possible and
will try IVFICSI#2 again hopefully in April.**
Re: 35 weeker & NICU time ...
Hopes for a short nicu stay.
So glad she is healthy. Visit her often and pump if youre planning to bf.
My DS was born at 35 weeks and had glucose issues as well. It's actually a common preemie problem, though unnerving! I hope that she is able to resolve it on her own quickly. It took us a few weeks, but DS was also IUGR and only weighed 3 lb 8 oz.
praying that you have a quick & uneventful NICU stay.