Food Allergy


We have been struggling with my DD eating (4 months) since she was born. We finally saw a pediatric GI doctor who suspected a milk protein allergy. He recommended Puramino (formally Nutramigen AA). Our baby seems to hate it! It's been 6 days, and we can't get her to drink more than 4 oz at a time (she was downing 5 oz every 3 hours on the Isomil before she reacted to it.) She was eating 32 oz per day on the soy and now she is back down to 23 oz now. Most of the time, she only wants 2 oz then starts fighting me (same she did on the 5 other formulas that she's been on). She was also labeled failure to thrive so the oz she takes is critical. Do you think it's the taste? Will she get use to it? The doc said it would take about 2 weeks to see a difference, but shes not better AT ALL. I am soo sick of dreading feeding time and stressing about it.

Re: Puramino

  • Have they considered reflux? If she is fighting all the bottles, no matter what you're offering reflux would be my first thought.
  • Thanks, yes, she does have silent reflux and is on Prevacid.
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  • Our pedi GI said the more broken down the protein, the worse the taste. When DS refused Neocate and Elecare (I can't remember if that's the right name), she suggested adding a tiny bit of vanilla extract to his bottles. Could you ask about that?
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