August 2013 Moms

It is Friday night....I think

My LO is either teething or has an ear infection or the end of the world is upon us. I'm taking her to the doctor tomorrow to find out. But, for now the only thing that will stop the awful screaming is for me to rock her in her dark nursery. I feel so sad for her, but DH is at work and I'm lonely. I'm pretty sure it's Friday because we have fffc going on. So, is anyone doing anything fun that I can be jealous of? Anyone drinking anything I can be jealous of? Basically, is anyone doing something besides sitting in a dark room?

Re: It is Friday night....I think

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    Sitting on the couch looking at my disaster house that I just cleaned yesterday. And wondering who the hell messed it up.

    Me. I have no one to blame but myself.
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    I'm having a glass of wine (or 4) and basically doing the same thing. I can feel a tooth trying to cut through and it's rocked our world!! Sorry DH is working and you're lonely :/ are your PM's working yet?
    A'13 June Siggy Contest- TV Dads
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    I'm eating leftover Subway in bed watching Shark Tank.

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    I'm playing with LO, in the few minutes of silence we have had today, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we are giving her formula for the first time tonight.


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    Before you ladies get too excited, I paid $6 for this at our local (favorite) taqueria..... It's sweet and sour with ice. Ugh.

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    @LEMSA I'm sitting up here thinking about my disaster of a house. It feels like Christmas threw up all over it. I was in the process of taking decorations down when all hell broke loose with LO. I feel your pain.

    @BubblyDevil you just reminded me that Shark Tank isn't getting recorded anymore on our DVR. I'm going to have to investigate this.

    @BlondieBia21 I'm going to figure out how to PM via mobile. I'm a smart girl. Or at least I used to be. Surely I can figure this out.
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    I hear ya on being lonely.. DH works nights and I too am normally doing the same as you... Currently I'm contemplating pumping or just waiting for LO to get up.. Bc that's typically what happens.. I get set up to pump.. Then he wakes up... I hope you don't mind my rambling...unfortunately there's nothing here to be jealous of :-(
    Mason Lee 
    Born 8/18/13 
    A13 May Siggy Contest 

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    @tts432462 go to forums, then under the categories you should see "go to my inbox"

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    I'm trying to coax LO along for a few more minutes so DH can read our bedtime story and rock him to sleep. He has extended hrs at work this week
    Ezra James 08/22/2013  <3
    Nora Grace Due 12/26/2016  <3

    Two Angel Babies 

    "If you're still my small babe
    or you're all the way grown,
    my promise to you
    is you're never alone.
    You are my angel, my darling,
    my star...and my love will find you,
    wherever you are."
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    @kwrecks I supplement with formula. Well, more like I supplement with BM because my supply is so low. She basically just comfort nurses and gets nutrtion from formula. I still am having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I get it. I have an amazing OB. When I told him about my issues he told me to be kind to myself and reminded me that the most important thing babies need is love. He used the example of babies in foreign orphanages. Those babies get fed plenty, but are starved for love. It made me feel a little better. I still struggle, but he's right. You're doing what's right for your LO and you're doing it out of love. Be kind to yourself.
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    I'm lying across the foot of my bed since DS took over my spot. Dh is in his regular spot playing online poker. The room is dark, hgtv is on, and I'm eating Cheerios out of a mug. Woohoo, Friday night!
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    Before you ladies get too excited, I paid $6 for this at our local (favorite) taqueria..... It's sweet and sour with ice. Ugh.

    You're out in the real world? Where's there real people? Wow! I haven't been out of the house in two days! Huge disappointment with that drink though. Boo!
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    Zarkoe said:

    I just had a muffin and some tea. Tomorrow's dinner is cooking in the oven and I now have to go wash bottles X(. I rocked lo in the dark tonight too. His teeth are kicking our asses. Sorry you're alone!

    I wish my tea was a glass (or pitcher) of wine

    Why is it the bottles always need to be washed? We have enough bottles for two days. I swear I just washed them and they're all dirty again. Who is using all of them? Is the same person who keeps stealing my socks?
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    tts432462 said:

    Before you ladies get too excited, I paid $6 for this at our local (favorite) taqueria..... It's sweet and sour with ice. Ugh.

    You're out in the real world? Where's there real people? Wow! I haven't been out of the house in two days! Huge disappointment with that drink though. Boo!
    Right?! The world does exist!! :) I snuck out for an hour, the taqueria is 15 minutes from my house. I am home now, having drank my disappointment.....

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    I am kind of drinking a glass of wine and kinda watching World War Z... Dumb movie but this crap freaks me out. We are headed to the pedi tomorrow too- but for a rash not teething.... Couldn't make the appointment today. I am really dreading this teething thing. I have heard hyland teething tablets work really well... Have you tried those? And my house looks like Christmas and baby threw up all over it- I feel your pain.

    I'm having DH bring some teething tablets home when he gets off work. Fingers crossed they work. Sorry you have to make the trip to the ped also. Hope the rash isn't anything serious.
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    I just had a ton of wine and now I'm about to go to bed even though my BFF is still here. She and DB are watching 20/20 together.
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

    <3 Mama to 2 girls - H&I <3
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    tts432462 said:

    @kwrecks I supplement with formula. Well, more like I supplement with BM because my supply is so low. She basically just comfort nurses and gets nutrtion from formula. I still am having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I get it. I have an amazing OB. When I told him about my issues he told me to be kind to myself and reminded me that the most important thing babies need is love. He used the example of babies in foreign orphanages. Those babies get fed plenty, but are starved for love. It made me feel a little better. I still struggle, but he's right. You're doing what's right for your LO and you're doing it out of love. Be kind to yourself.

    Thank you. I know that I'm doing something that will probably help us all out in the long run. Less stress, DH can help with feedings,we can actually go away for the night. I jjust feel as though I have failed. I wanted so badly to ebf for at least 6 months and I fell short.


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    kwrecks said:

    tts432462 said:

    @kwrecks I supplement with formula. Well, more like I supplement with BM because my supply is so low. She basically just comfort nurses and gets nutrtion from formula. I still am having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I get it. I have an amazing OB. When I told him about my issues he told me to be kind to myself and reminded me that the most important thing babies need is love. He used the example of babies in foreign orphanages. Those babies get fed plenty, but are starved for love. It made me feel a little better. I still struggle, but he's right. You're doing what's right for your LO and you're doing it out of love. Be kind to yourself.

    Thank you. I know that I'm doing something that will probably help us all out in the long run. Less stress, DH can help with feedings,we can actually go away for the night. I jjust feel as though I have failed. I wanted so badly to ebf for at least 6 months and I fell short.
    I completely understand. And nothing anyone says to me makes it better. Just know some internet stranger out there feels the same way. You aren't alone. It sucks.
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    I'm jealous of everyone's wine. And @Maritza707's cheerios! It sounds like we're all being wild and crazy tonight!
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    @KatieS7 homemade wine?? Yummy!

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    Nope nothing to be jelly over. We are watching breaking bad and finally have a sleeping baby for now. We are in full force teething. I feel so bad for my baby girl. Ugh poor thing. Got her some teething tablets today and they seemed to really help. I had no idea that pulling on ears was a teething symptom until today. She had just got done with antibiotics but kept pulling so we went back in and her ears look great so I'm chalking it up to another teething symptom.
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    Tim Hortons gingerbread hot chocolate.

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    Oh god I wish I was drinking. SS is here and he is out of control today. He won't listen and acting a fool. Putting dd down now and I might get into my grey goose in the freezer.
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    Zarkoe said:

    tts432462 said:

    Zarkoe said:

    I just had a muffin and some tea. Tomorrow's dinner is cooking in the oven and I now have to go wash bottles X(. I rocked lo in the dark tonight too. His teeth are kicking our asses. Sorry you're alone!

    I wish my tea was a glass (or pitcher) of wine

    Why is it the bottles always need to be washed? We have enough bottles for two days. I swear I just washed them and they're all dirty again. Who is using all of them? Is the same person who keeps stealing my socks?
    I hate the bottles! I refuse to get bottles for 2 days. Washing 6 a day is enough. I wish they can be washed with the laundry since I do that every day too. Or we just need to teach lo's to wash their own bottles ASAP! Let me know when you find out who is stealing socks because I'm constantly missing 1 or 4.

    Andbthe hylands teething pellets help
    H has been washing bottles every night since I have been putting J down... I can't complain about that switch off. We use dr browns and steralize every wash so it's a huge PITA

    We sterilize every wash also. Such a PITA!!! And if someone could figure out how to combine bottle washing and laundry they would be an over night gazillionaire. Why hasn't someone done this yet?
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    kkay1982kkay1982 member
    edited December 2013
    No wine or anything yet. Somehow LO knows tonight is supposed to be the night he starts sleeping in his crib and my normally heavy sleepier is waking up every time I move an inch. If I can't even change positions I have no hope of putting him in his crib.

    Update: I stuck him in his rnp so I could grab my water bottle and he might just put himself to sleep. The crib can wait bother night if that miracle happens.
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    @Zever000 I am jealous. That sounds amazing!

    @KatieS7 impressive! Did you make it?
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    Giving myself a mani/pedi and eating a bag of homemade toffee one of my clients brought to me today :) I keep telling myself I need to lose weight but I like eating too much! LO is sleeping in her crib (which she hasn't done too much of. Still working on that transition) in the magic suit and it's been almost two hours! Woohoo!

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    Before you ladies get too excited, I paid $6 for this at our local (favorite) taqueria..... It's sweet and sour with ice. Ugh.

    @christy32685 that looks magical!!!
        DS born 8-16-2013
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    Zever000 said:

    Tim Hortons gingerbread hot chocolate.

    @Zever000 I am jealous. I live in a border town. The Canadian side has like, 9 Timmy's. The Michigan side? Zero. And I love their gingerbread hot chocolate.
    I am super jealous!! I miss Tim Hortons!! I used to live in Michigan and there was one less than a mile from my house!!
    @hauntedradio, where in Michigan are you that you are denied the joy of Tim Hortons??? :(
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    I finally got LO to sleep and now she's sleeping on me in our bed. This is the third night in a row she's slept with me. Pre LO I always said no babies in our bed no matter what. I was a dumb ass before I had a baby. Now I don't care where she's sleep just as long as she sleeps. I just wish it didn't feel like I'm sleeping with a wild jack rabbit when she's in bed with me.

    You all are so kind to jump in this thread and keep me company. I enjoyed hearing what everyone is up to. And I'm a little jealous of all of you!
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    @KatieS7 that sounds delicious! @CaliforniaDream87 it was like ordering a stomach ache in a glass.... :(

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    @madelinegrace I used to work at Tim Hortons. And honestly, the coffee is the best thing there. Donuts are okay, but Wesco donuts are better.


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    I'm playing with LO, in the few minutes of silence we have had today, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we are giving her formula for the first time tonight.
    Lil late but @kwrecks how did the first FF feed go?
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    @sfeebs13 It went okay.  LO did fine with it.  I cried. haha.  I know there is nothing wrong with formula and nothing wrong with supplementing, it just completely wasn't my plan.  But LO did fine with it. :) Thanks for asking!


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    kwrecks said:
    @sfeebs13 It went okay.  LO did fine with it.  I cried. haha.  I know there is nothing wrong with formula and nothing wrong with supplementing, it just completely wasn't my plan.  But LO did fine with it. :) Thanks for asking!
    I completely understand.  That's why I asked. I went through that as well. I'm learning not to beat myself up when things with LO don't go "as planned". I'm glad she did well.. We supplemented for a few weeks and then made the switch. I was giving solids and rice cereal but I'm now deep into my BLW book thanks to my not so secret Santa. LO actually ate a tiny piece of green bean last night, it was toooooooo cool!
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    sfeebs13 said:
    kwrecks said:
    @sfeebs13 It went okay.  LO did fine with it.  I cried. haha.  I know there is nothing wrong with formula and nothing wrong with supplementing, it just completely wasn't my plan.  But LO did fine with it. :) Thanks for asking!
    I completely understand.  That's why I asked. I went through that as well. I'm learning not to beat myself up when things with LO don't go "as planned". I'm glad she did well.. We supplemented for a few weeks and then made the switch. I was giving solids and rice cereal but I'm now deep into my BLW book thanks to my not so secret Santa. LO actually ate a tiny piece of green bean last night, it was toooooooo cool!
    I got the BLW book too, gonna start reading it today!


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    You will love it. I'd say PM me, but I can't take the credit msspeedymarie sent me the book and I can't put it down.
    Pm me anyway...we can read it together. :o)
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