Are 504's state specific?
I'm starting to be a little nervous even though DD1 won't start K until August 2015 (unless we by some miracle get into the headstart program, after all of the income based kids are in).
I spoke with a teacher whose also my cousin who basically made it seem like 504's were a joke. She said she has a student who has cancer and the 504 doesn't really "do" anything for him.
I guess my main concern or what I would want out of a 504 would be things like, her being allowed to use the bathroom as often as she needs, this isn't "ideal" since she has to go every 20minutes most of the time, but she doesn't really need help. We could be cathing again by then, with the way things are going for her bladder so who knows. And also, the fact that she has 20+ doctors now, means she is going to miss school, and likely on a weekly to bi-weekly basis. Do 504's have anything to do with this? I don't want her to be behind because of appointments, but it's unrealistic for us to schedule her appointments after school since they are so far away, or only on breaks, since we see them every 3 to 6 months and most of the DR's are now department heads who only do clinics 1 or 2 days a month, no negotiation.
I spoke with our disability resource center rep on Thursday but she said she didn't know of any 504 work shops and she's only versed in IEP's which I do not think P will qualify for.
DD1(4):VSD & PFO (Closed!), Prenatal stroke, Mild CP, Delayed pyloric opening/reflux, Brachycephaly & Plagiocephaly, Sacral lipoma, Tethered spinal cord, Compound heterozygous MTHFR, Neurogenic bladder, Urinary retention & dyssynergia, incomplete emptying, enlarged Bladder with Poor Muscle Tone, EDS-Type 3. Mito-Disorder has been mentioned
DD2(2.5): Late term premie due to PTL, low fluid & IUGR, Reflux, delayed visual maturation, compound heteroygous MTHFR, PFAPA, Bilateral kidney reflux, Transient hypogammaglobulinemia, EDS-Type 3
Re: 504 Resources?
I'm just not even going to think about it right now! lol