
Intro: A mom finally decided to join!

So I figured it was time I joined the community on the bump.. considering I used the baby name tools and multiple other tools from the BUMP during my pregnancy. Well hello there multiple mommas! I am married and have ID twin girls who were born at 31 weeks August 3, 2013 weighing 3lbs 11oz each. They are 4 months old now and today at a weigh check they were both over 10 lbs (10.15 & 10.9)! Cant wait to join this community!

Merry Christmas (late!)


Re: Intro: A mom finally decided to join!

  • Welcome! Your girls are beautiful and I love their names. I have ID girls as well :).
    J - 9/6/09 L and A - 1/17/12
  • Beautiful names and beautiful girls! Welcome!
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    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers


    *Proud Air Force Wife*

    "I'll love you forever,
    I'll like you for always.
    As long as I'm living,
    my baby you'll be."
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  • Welcome! I am expecting ID boys in a week and a half. It's always good to hear wonderful stories about mono di. Thank you!
    Me (37) DH (39); PCOS changed to Unexplained, changed to DOR in 2012 (finally a correct diagnosis!); 
    Started TTC 2009 with RE after 6 months.  
    Clomid + Trigger x2; 
    IUI + Femara x1,
    IUI + Follistim x2;
    IVF #1 (MDL) February 2013- BFN.
    IVF #2 (antagonist) May 2013, First BFP of my life. 
    Identical twin miracle BOYS (!!) headed our way- due date is technically 2/4/14 but c section is scheduled for 1/7! 

    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • Welcome and congratulations on your beautiful babies!
                         My fraternal twin boys. Born Sept 2013.
  • Congrats and welcome! I also love your girls' names!! Congrats also on their growth and surviving the first 3 months....imo those were the hardest!
  • Hi! I have identical twin girls born at 32 weeks in October. Glad you have started to post
    Married 8/2008. IVF with PGD March 2013.
    3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
    3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
    4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
    PPROM at 31w, delivery at 32 weeks of two beautiful girls
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