We went to MIL's house to open her presents to the boys on Christmas Eve Eve and she gave little brother a Hug Me Elmo. Elmo's arms have some kind of hard plastic or something inside and he's really not all that cuddly. He wanted NOTHING to do with it the whole night we were there. The next day, big brother was laying down on the floor hugging it. Somehow, the dang thing slapped him mid-hug and his lip was actually bleeding! He ended up with a fat lip for Christmas! The little guy was right to stay away from it, Hug Me Elmo is possessed!
Re: Beware Hug Me Elmo!
Poor guy! I hope his lip is healing up ok!
There is definitely something sinister about that red furry monster... He's like the pied piper of toddlers. We never (maybe once??) watched Sesame Street at home and DC said they didn't really watch it, yet somehow DS became obsessed with Elmo. He was the first TV character DS asked for by name, and he begs to watch "Elmo" and finds him everywhere (at the store, on kids shoes, etc.). I think there's some black magic at play here!
Then there was some scary guy dressed up as Elmo in NYC in the news in the past year. A homeless person who dresses up to make money off people who get their pictures taken with him. I don't remember what he did, decked someone's daddy for not giving him money when they took a picture or something.
Oh dear. Your poor lil guy!
I was also close to purchasing this toy but decided against it because DS isn't as into Sesame Street as he once was.