Cloth Diapering

I hate sposies!!

DD has a diaper rash that will not go away.  For fear that it was yeast I have been putting her in sposies for the past 2 weeks while experimenting with different creams/ointments to try to clear it up.  Besides we had disposables anyway because my mother-in-law bought us a jumbo box of Huggies (despite the fact she knows we CD).  I cannot believe how much they leak!  I wonder how we ever made it through with our 1st DD in only disposables.  I had her into the pediatrician yesterday to take a look at the rash and while she was on my lap she peed out the side and all over my lap!  It was a fresh diaper and I made sure it was on properly but I still ended up with a wet lap- argh!  There have also been many misc. items at home I have had to wash due to leaks: clothes, sheets, mattress pads, exersaucer thing, etc.  So we are going through expensive disposables and still having to do laundry.  I can't wait to get back to CDs.

Re: I hate sposies!!

  • Just like cd, not all brands of sposies fit all babies. I did not cd my first 2 kids. Dd#1 always leaked in huggies, but pampers worked for her. Dd#2, just the opposite. So you never know :)
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  • We have been using cloth for 2 1/2 weeks with no leaks (except a couple user errors from DH) and he had a leak in sposies during the 8 hours he was with MIL yesterday. I'm with you! If I have to use them again I think I will use a cover!
  • The snugglers suck, but their snug and dry ones work well. I don't know how there is such a huge difference within a brand.
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