July 2014 Moms

2nd trimester club, let's just get this party started!!


Re: 2nd trimester club, let's just get this party started!!

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    Save a space for me! I'm 12w3d but I want to be super technical so I'm gonna savor the first trimester for another week. I want to start exercising and eating healthier in trimester 2 so let me get the last of this chocolate and bread diet out of my system :P

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    rheard3582rheard3582 member
    edited December 2013
    Im claiming it..13w1d. This time around sickness decreased. more on and off now.
    Lenox: Born March 13, 2012
    Number 2:  EDD July 4, 2014


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    13 weeks and 3 days... feeling pretty good... Want to know if we are having a boy or girl so bad!
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    Woot!  2nd tri!  
    Still pretty exhausted, so I'm hoping that goes away soon.  I get hungry every hour or two but can't eat a lot at once.  
    Can't wait for the NT scan, I want to see this baby!
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    I would be 13 weeks but I have an adjusted date of 12 weeks... Funny enough I started feeling better at what would have been 13 weeks exactly! So I ~feel~ second trimester! My nausea is gone, though my appetite is still come and go. This sense of smell has worsened my already sensitive gag reflexes so I don't know if I'll ever stop vomiting, but it's no longer what I considered morning/all day sickness. I'm also requiring less naps in the day! Though the back pain is actually worse than ever, it now hurts at the top and bottom of my spine, making it hard to get comfortable at all :(
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    Woohoo!! I'm feeling great! I agree with the others my engery level is returning in exchange for a protruding belly, but I love it! I only have one discomfort and that's the pain in the rear. I feel blessed to be moving into the 2nd tri and looking forward to seeing my lo in under 200 days!
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    I've been gone for a few weeks (got superstitious the second half of my first trimester) but I'm back and excited for the second trimester!! I'm 13w5d and luckily for me I've only had tiredness and hunger so far (and they continue) but add spicy foods to my cravings of red meat and salt
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    I'm 13w3d~so I'm in!  :P

    I'm pretty much over MS (which was all day for me), boobs aren't as sore (maybe more *~sensitive~*), still crying occasionally at things, still a major bitch.  I used to be a mostly right-side sleeper but am finding the left is more comfortable (except I'm facing DH and I don't like facing him when I sleep, I'd rather big-spoon him)....I'm getting more energy back (and all my praises that we're done with holiday hours at work, so it's back to closing at 7pm!), meaning I'm returning to my slightly OCD cleaning habits.  Oh and my sex drive is returning ever so slowly.

    I'm not weighing myself at home, just going to let my OB office do that (consistent use of the same scale~), but my jeans aren't fitting as well, think I'm going to have to go into Maternity now.  I feel like my belly isn't pooching out as much.  But other people are commenting that they can see it.  *shrugs*  That's about it!  :D  Yay 2nd Trimester!  
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    I'm in like Flynn! I'm 13w today. I don't feel as exhausted and nauseous. Still have the SOB & dizziness though. :(
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    13w5d today and I'm thinking I can finally starting seeing something that resembles a "bump" (or maybe I'm just hopeful). Have my NT scan Friday do keeping my fingers crosses everything goes well :)

    On another note, DH started nesting yesterday - ripped everything out of the pantry (small walkin), tore down the old shelves, painted and installed beautiful new shelves! He's also geared up to finish the basement!
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    Sciatic pain when I walk sometimes, heartburn at times, excruciating headache, eye pressure and fatigue
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    Excited at 3:18 a.m. I am OFFICIALLY 13 weeks now!!!! Woot woot! :D

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    14 weeks today and feeling fantastic! Nausea is gone, sore boobs are gone, super sniffer is gone and headaches are gone.
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    13 w 3 days here! I'm in!

    I don't know about feeling great yet, I'm not as tired during the day but I'm still passing out early, my boobs are super heavy and I always feel bloated!

    Now for my best news! We had our early anatomy scan and the baby is growing perfectly so far which is just the best news :). We also found out the sex from our Harmony test ( already knew everything was good just hadn't decided of we wanted to know the sex) anywhoooo it's a girl!!!! And it feels even more real ! And I'm just in awe
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    I'll join! 13 weeks today. My m/s has almost gone away, but headaches have taken its place. I'm still tired, but I'm hoping that I'll get more energy when I get back into my routine when school starts next week. It's starting to feel more "real". I hope I get to see LO at my appointment today :)
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    I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. All of my symptoms disappeared right around the time i hit 11 weeks.
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    14 weeks today! Nausea is on and off. Not constant like it was, but when I'm hungry I'm one crazy lady! Bowel movements seem much more normal and now my biggest worry is DH leaving out of the country for two months Monday...
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    13 weeks today...what, what! Hello second trimester. 
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    14 weeks ... Fluttering , stretching , growing going on in pelvic area . It's kinda uncomfortable at night. I think my belly is growing !! In 8 days we have a 3d/4d ultrasound appt at baby studio and will find out the sex of our McLittle! Beyond excited !
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    I'm still in my 11th week but feel great. No MS, still workout in the AM, boobs don't hurt as much but I'm definitely showing. I've been eating non-stop! Always hungry but making wise choices now that the holidays are over!
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    13 weeks today! severe carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms still present, but so excited to be in the second tri :)

    Married and TTC: 30AUG2003

    5 IVF cycles with no conception: 2006

    DD born and in my arms through domestic adoption: 06FEB2008

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    Loved and lost (MMC): AUG2010

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    I think everything is slowly going away. I don't feel like the room is spinning so I consider that a plus. My sense of smell still rivals a bloodhound though. I keep thinking if applying to the police force to help track people down.
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    14 weeks and 3 days. I forgot I was already in second tri. Side effects have not subsided yet :(

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    13w2d8hrs so I'm in the club! Freakin' finally!!! ;)

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    I am 14 w 1d and my symptoms have gotten better but are still there during the night. I can't wait to feel better and plan our baby moon!
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    edited January 2014
    @allietz seriously....
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    I'm currently working on my 13th week (12wks3d). Had the NT scan (all a-ok!) and my only symptoms that I'm still experiencing are very occasional nausea, constipation and being tired. 

    Also, I'm a FTM and I totally have a little bump going on. You can't tell in my clothes but when I turn and look in the mirror, my pelvis is poppin! 



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    13w3d...so happy to be here!  been eyeing this thread since i turned 12 weeks, but too paranoid to call it.  well i'm callin' it now!!  :)   2nd trimester, here i am bitch!

    5 years TTC, no luck with IUI's, failed IVF June 2013, 
    FET Oct 2013 with delayed transfer, intralipids, lovenox & prednisone= first BFP of my life!
    ***Beautiful baby boy born June 13th!*** 
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    13 weeks 4 days!!! Pretty much symptom free, except for afternoon fatigue, but maybe I have just gotten used to my afternoon nap with DS.
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    Officially in the 2nd tri as of today!
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    14 weeks and 3 days... round ligament pain...headaches... little nausea but better then earlier....leg cramps which compression stockings helps a lot!!, and a big blump...
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    13w3d!!!!!!! its been a fast journey so far. glad to have made it through the 1st tri successfully with a growing baby and strong heartbeat. FTM with less nausea. boobs still hurt. not nearly as tired but not much energy to do much just yet. :)
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    So jelly...
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    I just hit 13w2d -- can I come play too now?
    Daniella Josephine born July 7, 2014
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    13w2d. Had the NT Thursday and found out it's a girl. Getting ready to tell people at work. Still amazed at the whole thing. FTM age 37.
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    I just hit 13w2d -- can I come play too now?

    Totally in the club girlfriend :) congrats!!
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    13w3d today. I can't believe it's already second tri, this is going WAY too fast.
    Pass the sheet cake.

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    I feel so close, yet too far away to let myself relax as a 2nd tri-er! One more week...

    Same boat here. 12 weeks today
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    I am 15 weeks tomorrow!! I feel alright... I have some sharp pains in my stomach that come and go like a poking but I don't think its movement yet just poking ever so many days.
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    Fletch82Fletch82 member
    edited January 2014
    I'm 14w4d and starting to feel more energetic but the trade off as been bloat :(

    Hard to believe 1T has flown by!
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