Eco-Friendly Family

Anyone else here do water kefir?

I just got some water kefir grains from a friend and made my first batch.  I put too much sugar in my first batch so it's too sweet for my liking but otherwise I guess it came out fantastic.  My grains doubled in amount which I wasn't really expecting.  My middle kid loved it.  I'm going to do my next batch with fresh sliced ginger right from the start to make a water kefir ginger ale soda.
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Re: Anyone else here do water kefir?

  • I do! I love water kefir. I was surprised to see how fast those little guys multiply, especially when I use sucanat instead of sugar!
  • How sweet does your final product taste?  I think I must have used too much sugar with my first batch.  My grains doubled but the drink was really sweet to my taste.

    I'm going to try another batch.  This time I'm going to follow this recipe.


    • 4 to 5 tbsp sucanat, rapadura, agave nectar, maple syrup, or other crystalized sugar
    • 1 tbsp water kefir grains
    • about 1 quart filtered or spring water
    • 3 to 5 slices peeled ginger
    • 1 slice lemon or squirt of lemon juice (optional)

    Preparation Instructions

    1. Add water kefir grains and sweetener to a non-airtight quart sized jar or bottle.

    2. Add enough water to fill up the jar or bottle while leaving about 1 inch of space at the top.

    3. Shake or stir until the sugars are completely dissolved. Add ginger slices.

    4. Cover with a non-airtight lid and allow to brew at room temperature for 24 to 48+ hours.

    5. When it's done to your liking, strain out the grains, discarding ginger slices. Add lemon if desired, and store covered, in the fridge.

    6. For an especially fizzy brew, strain out grains and decant water kefir about 1/2 day before it's done into airtight bottles and allow to ferment at room temperature for another 1/2 day before storing in the fridge. Open with caution as the drink may be strongly carbonated.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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  • Well, the "standard" proportions are 1/4 cup grains per 1/4 cup sugar (whichever one) per 1Qt water. If I have a little more grains, say, 1/3 cup, then I use 1/3 cup sugar as well.

    How long did you let it ferment the first time? The recommended time is 48 hours for the first one and 48 hours for the second one. Because my house is a bit chilli this days I leave it a few more hours and I don't it too sweet (even with sucanat), but that could be just a taste preferance.
  • Yeah, I messed up and did 1/2 cup sugar to 4 tbsp grains in a quart mason jar.  I had hoped it would just eat up the sugar but I guess not.

    I let it go for 72 hours per my friends recommendation since the grains had been in the fridge to keep them dormant. 

    I'm going to start a new batch today with the right amounts of stuff!  My middle son liked it though so I'll let him have some of the one I did make.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

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