Any formula feeding moms out there that can give me the pros and cons of cloth with a formula fed baby? I've read that stains and smells can be worse, is that true? Anything else to consider?
TTC#2 for 13 months - 5th round of clomid did it! BFP 10/2/12

Re: Cloth and Formula
<a href="" title="Parenting Tips"><img src="" alt=" Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker" border="0" /></a>
IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)
DS born 07/29/12
FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN
FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP
We've been on solids for a good while and we never had the PB consistency. Just straight plopable from the get go. Every baby is different and CD is amazing so start now! You'll love it.