Cloth Diapering

Cloth and Formula

Any formula feeding moms out there that can give me the pros and cons of cloth with a formula fed baby? I've read that stains and smells can be worse, is that true? Anything else to consider?
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Re: Cloth and Formula

  • I don't formula feed, so no actual experience, but I say if you want to CD then go for it. You aren't going to know it's any worse or better, because you only have your experience with your kid's poop. And eventually they all eat table food, so it can't be worse than that.
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  • We had to FF, and it wasn't that big of a deal when it came to the diapers. It's still water soluble, so we didn't have to spray them. Some of them did stain, but that's going to happen IMO. Sunning helps. I don't know if they smelled any different that BF poo diapers, but again stinky poo will eventually happen (when they start solids) so no big deal.


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  • Honestly, FF isn't any different than BF when it comes to CD. It's water soluble and washes out.
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  • PP mentioned staining with her FF LO. EBF kids poop stains too. Sun those suckers, and your good to go.
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  • I CDed and FF. I decide to spray the FF poo. Back then, DS mostly pooped once a day, so it was no big deal. Even though I have heard FF poop is water soluble, I decided to spray them since it was the consistency of peanut butter. I never had any staining of my BG 4.0. It is really just training for when they start solids anyways. Now I only have to occasionally spray. Mostly I deal with plopable poops.

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  • edited December 2013
    CD + FF mom here. We had to supplement from the start so I can't compare FF poop to BM poop but I can tell you this: it'll eventually stain anyways.

    We've been on solids for a good while and we never had the PB consistency. Just straight plopable from the get go. Every baby is different and CD is amazing so start now! You'll love it.
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  • Formula feeder as well, have only had one stain so far.  I rinse the poo diapers, mostly because I'd rather try and get them as clean as possible before they go in the wash.
    I've found that the all cotton diapers we've got (the flats and GMD workhorses) rinse a lot cleaner pre-wash than the BG 4.0s and other pocket diapers.
    They all come out of the washer clean.

    As for the smell.  I think formula poo pretty much smells like formula.  Not the best smell in the world, but it's really not that bad.  Certainly less offensive than adult poo smell.

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