July 2014 Moms

First timer in your 30s?


Re: First timer in your 30s?

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    33, second time mom but the last one was 13 years ago. I agree with @hollyhelton pregnancy was SO much easier on my body when I was younger. I am absolutely miserable this time around :( . I actually get jealous of myself with my own timeline having a 15 and 12 year old by the time this one comes along and kick myself for not having more when I was younger!
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    I was 32, and  a teacher, and it was still a wake up call! Even the pregnancy, every little thing was crazy and new (not so much this time). I was very set in my no children ways, despite wanting one (actually 2) SO bad. My body felt invaded, I couldn't do the things I liked (beer, wine), and you never really get any of that back 100%. I flailed around a lot. Despite some very rough times, I'm doing it again. so it's not all that bad. You'll figure it out:) With some things they break you in slowly, other things you get a crash course on. It took a while for me not to worry about what everyone else would do, and just do what I wanted.

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    I'm a FTM at 33, and my husband is a FTD at 40.  Before I got pregnant I thought I had a pretty good handle on things because I've been around kids my whole life (I have four younger siblings and 20 cousins under the age of 25.  But, the reality of actually being the one to pick out things like car seats and strollers and monitors has just started to hit me.  I have no idea what I'm doing.  

    Good thing DH likes to do research.  :)

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    FTM as well. I'll be 31 when this LO is born. It's been quite the experience so far and thank God SO has two older sons because he's been fantastic and keeps me from freaking out every time something happens. After having seen how my 22 year old coworker doesn't take care of her LO I'm glad I waited until I was in my 30s.
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    33 and totally overwhelmed!
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    FTM, I'll be 32 when LO is born, and @biglewzer just gave me a panic attack.

    Alexander - 8/9/14
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    I'm definitely overwhelmed, but I am now so grateful my mom forced my into babysitting around my neighborhood back in high school...smart move, mom.
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    I was a FTM at 30 with my DS and I had never even changed a single diaper before he was born!
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    I was a FTM mom at 34 and hadn't changed a diaper in 20 years. DH is from Texas and all of his friends had their kids in their early 20s, honestly I wouldn't trade places with them in a million years. I did a lot of living in my 20s that made me who I am, I will be a much better mother for it.
    Of course there are benefits to having your kids young, it just wasn't for me.
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    FTM here at 35 and while I know that I know absolutely nothing, I have a great support system of mom friends and relatives and you ladies of course, so I'm pretty calm about the whole thing. (Says the girl who almost cried when it was too uncomfortable to button her jeans today)
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    I'll be a FTM and just turned 34. My husband and I tried for 2 years, so I feel like I've had two years to prepare myself emotionally. Of course, I still have a lot of fears and really don't know much about parenting, but mostly I'm just excited right now!
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    KayMRKayMR member
    edited January 2014
    Hey All- I am a FTM, I'm 30 and I just found out today that we're having twins! I am both excited and terrified. I was under the assumption that I was 8 1/2 weeks due in Aug, come to find out I'm actually 10 1/2 due in July. We were pregnant late Sept. but I miscarried the first week of Oct.  Apparently got pregnant about 2 weeks after the that.  We were not trying, nor was I on fertility treatments or hormones of any kind. U/s shows everyone is healthy and developing well so far. My mom had triplets on her first pregnancy, which are my older siblings (2 girls, 1 boy). I am hoping to have 1 of each or at least 2 boys. I'm having a hard time navigating the message boards to find some where I can go and find the support I am seeking- please help.  Thanks fellow mommies.

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    I'm 34 & FTM. I didn't even meet my hubby till I was 30, and we got married 2 years ago. We are still not 100% "financially ready"(whatever that means...) but we figure it is better now than waiting until it's too late biologically. Ha, funny thing is, he's 5 years younger than me & turning 30 this year. Soooo glad I waited until I met him. You should've seen the losers I dated when I was in my 20's! ;)
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    Also, I feel that I am more physically fit (and concerned about exercising on a daily basis) than I was in my crazy "I don't really care" 20's.
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    This is my first and I just turned 40.  I got married at 35, started trying right away, then went through 4+ years of infertility.  So I didn't exactly plan to have it happen this late but am thrilled anyway.  I probably don't have quite the energy I had 10 or even 5 years ago but honestly I don't feel THAT different than I did back then.  And in those intervening years I was able to get a challenging but lifestyle-friendly job (I used to work long hours at a law firm), save a lot of $$, get in better physical shape, etc.  So in that sense DH and I are in a better position to have kids than we would have been a few years ago.  
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    I'm 37 and a FTM. I'm excited!! I must say my first trimester has been uneventful and I'm happy about it. I'll be 38 one month after giving birth. I plan to have another in 2015. There are plenty of women who have their first baby after 30 these days. WE CAN DO THIS!!! WE WERE MADE TO DO THIS!!! Nancy Grace from Court TV had her first (twins) at 50.

    H&H pregnancy to you all!!!
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