We got invited to a house party at DH's rich friend's house. I am excited because they have an ah-mazing wine cellar and are great cooks so I am looking forward to some good eating and drinking. However....I don't know these people super well. They are nice, but quite a bit older than us, so I hope it is fun. My friends are being lame though and no one is doing anything.
We're staying in. My aunt usually babysits, but I told her we'd just keep them with us this year. I can't drink anyways, so what's the point? I think we will feed the kids and set them up with a movie in their room. I'll cook some filets for DH and I and we will eat in peace. We'll probably have the kids come down and hang out until the new year. Maybe do some sparking juice or something. Sounds like a ton of fun huh?
My parents offered to babysit and I turned them down. I know DH wouldn't want to go out to a restaurant---and they would only babysit for part of the night because they go to bed so early. And I hate going out to eat on NYE---I would rather order in or bring some food in.
We ARE though getting together with my closest friends---he has been my friend since we were 3. We are currently debating which house to get together at.They want us to come there (about an hour away) and we want them to come here. They have a dog and we have a toddler. I think the 2 year old trumps the dog though. They are able to sleep over here---and I think there parents are local, so they could bring the dog to them.
I don't know. Reese is a TERRIBLE sleeper not in her room, and I just don't want to deal with the ramifications of a 5 am wake up and not having all her things with her.
We were just gonna hang home and probably order take out or something, but my gf and her H who live right down the road just invited us down for a get together they're hosting, so we'll probably do that instead. Best of both worlds, we get out of the house and socialize, but don't have to go far, and DS gets to socialize with his buddy (they have a son 6 months older than our DS).
We also aren't fans of driving/going out to public places on NYE. The crowds and crazy ass drivers aren't really our thing.
We always stay at home. I'm having fresh crab legs delivered to cook for dinner. DD and DS1 are having friends stay over so my house will be as loud as a crowded bar.
We haven't done anything terribly exciting for the past couple years. Either a little party at my parent's house or doing apps and drinks at home. Either way, I'm not keeping my kid up, so we'll need to be home by about 9 or 10.
We always stay home. DH cares nothing about it, but M and I watch the ball drop every year and toast with sparkling cider. I think I'll get a bunch of yummy hors d'oeuvres this year so we can feel fancy.
"Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae
We are staying in. We've never gone out for New Years. We sometimes go to my moms and play games or she comes to our house. It stinks living in the middle of nowhere.
NYE is DD1's birthday. In lieu of a birthday party with friends, we let her pick what she wants to do all day. We are going to go see Frozen, go to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch, go to Chuck E Cheese, and go tubing at a tubing park with dinner in the lodge. We'll probably all be asleep by 10pm at the latest!
DH and I do the Polar Bear Plunge every year on New Year's Day.
Re: NYE plans
Staying up to the see the ball drop for the first time in 3 years will be on my list.
Other than that, we are staying home and having some drinks and watching Phish play MSG from the comfort of my couch.
We also aren't fans of driving/going out to public places on NYE. The crowds and crazy ass drivers aren't really our thing.
"Man, be creative. Like the stuff you do. Do nice things. Love respectfully. Laugh a fucking lot. Curse when you feel like it. Life is cool." - Jean Grae