Cloth Diapering

China cheapies?

What's the story on the cheap ebay diapers from China? The ones that are $2 each are so tempting to try.

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Re: China cheapies?

  • They may be tempting, but I'm not a fan. I don't use diapers made in China. Mostly because many of those Chinese cheapies are technically illegal to bring into the US as they haven't been properly quality tested. I've used some, but all the ones I've used wore out in 6 months, delaminated quickly, and had really crappy PUL. Many people love certain brands though, I just don't get it. My BG's have been loads better than the Chinese cheapies I've used.
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  • I avoid them too, although I have some hand me down kawaii and lotus bums.
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  • Alvas, kawaii and sunbaby=yes

    Babycity, Shinebaby, or whatever other name or no name you find=no

    I was also lured in and they last a whole month on a newborn. Then they were basically garbage.
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  • I love my Sunbabies, Alvas, and Kawaiis. I haven't had problems with any of them.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I have two Assunta covers that I like, of course I've only been using them for 2 weeks, so I cant speak to durability.

    I like that not only are they cheap ($4-5), but part of the profits go to a non-profit that helps orphans in China.
  • This thread was super helpful!  Thanks everyone!  I am in these co-ops on FB and all of the deals are these brands and I was unsure if I should purchase them or not
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  • I figured they were too good to be true. Thanks ladies.

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  • I have had good luck with alvas. I also have bamboo Rainbow BBs which are kind of stiff and not my favorites but work just fine. In 21 months of CD I've only had one diaper wear out, and it's a BG where the Velcro just doesn't stay closed anymore. The others are just as old and still are fine. Maybe I just used that color a lot more?
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