Cloth Diapering

Newbie question- doublers

I just received my dipes today! I apologize for the FTM questions, but I couldn't figure out how to search on mobile.

1. Can I use any non microfiber insert as a doubler with any AIO, AI2, or pocket as long as it fits and doesn't stick out? It doesn't have to snap in or go in a pocket right?

2. Can I use a prefold as a doubler for an AIO, AI2, or pocket? How would you fold it?

3. I have an HE washer. One brand of dipe recommend doing a cold wash first with no detergent, followed by an hot wash with extra rinse. Another brand said do cold wash first with detergent followed by a hot wash no detergent. Is one way better? I'm using rockin green. Do I put it right in the drum?


Re: Newbie question- doublers

  • 1. There are many things you can use as doublers. You can even use MF for doublers. As long as MF doesn't touch baby's skin. For example, some pockets come with a NB inset and a OS insert. I have sometimes used both. 2. Yes you can, you would just fold it into thirds. 3. Do the first thing. I don't know why you would put detergent in the drum, unless there is something wrong with your detergent dispenser.
  • Thanks! My rockin green doesn't have instructions. I used 2-3 tbsp for a load with about 12 dipes. Does that sound reasonable?
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  • I have a FL and hard water. The RNG laundry guru told me to start with 1 tbsp of detergent for 10-15 diapers and see how that worked.


  • With only 12 diapers in an HE machine I would only use 1-2 tbsp of Rocking Green. Powdered detergent didn't work in my dispenser, so I did just out it in the drum.
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  • Good point! Thanks!
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