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Newbie TTC

Hubby and I got married August 24th this year and are TTC; I just turned 31 and he will be 33 in the spring. I went off of tbcp in July and gave been regular monthly. I have been charting And the last couple of months could feel myself ovulating. We've been trying really hard this month! Long post short, I started bleeding today; 5 days early and this is very unusual for me. I read up on IB; it would be amazing to get this news before the new year! Fingers crossed!!!

Re: Newbie TTC

  • Hi Sminthy, 

    when my husband and I went off BC I also had a few regular cycles- then they got kinda wacky. Longer and shorter than normal then they stopped completely. From what I understand IB is usually faint and does not last like a period would. I will still cross my fingers for you, because that would be awesome, and I know it's hard because I've been through this too, but try not to get your hopes up. Every time I thought I was pregnant I was able to make myself believe every symptom was related to being KU!  Keep us posted!
    Me: 28 yrs old, diagnosed anovulation   Dh: Perfectly Healthy
    Married in 2008, together 7 years
    TTC since 8/2011
    4/2012 tried 1st round of Clomid @ 50mgs, BFN
    11/2012 tried 2nd round of Clomid @ 50mgs
    BFP on 12/16!!

    <a href=""><img src=",,79.png" alt="CafeMom Tickers" border="0" /></a>
  • Hi all, I just recently joined waiting during this long two week boyfriend and I have been ttc for 5 months... I know there some out there who've been trying a lot longer and I appreciate any feedback. I've also been off bc since july, and have been charting bbt, and using opk's. My question is in these pictures if they look like faint positives to you? the 11dpo was taken yesterday morning, and I just took the one at 8pm today so it's probably lighter...I tried my best to get a good camera do these look like lines to you or is my head playing tricks on me? Still no period, started spotting alil yesterday morning then it stopped. I'm praying that if I am pregnant it doesn't end in a chemical pregnancy, I've got myself paranoid because I recently read about those..
    thanks ladies! :)

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  • cammi92 said:
    Hi all, I just recently joined waiting during this long two week boyfriend and I have been ttc for 5 months... I know there some out there who've been trying a lot longer and I appreciate any feedback. I've also been off bc since july, and have been charting bbt, and using opk's. My question is in these pictures if they look like faint positives to you? the 11dpo was taken yesterday morning, and I just took the one at 8pm today so it's probably lighter...I tried my best to get a good camera do these look like lines to you or is my head playing tricks on me? Still no period, started spotting alil yesterday morning then it stopped. I'm praying that if I am pregnant it doesn't end in a chemical pregnancy, I've got myself paranoid because I recently read about those..
    thanks ladies! :)

    It does look like there is a VERY faint line, but it's hard to say. Have you taken more? Also, I could be wrong but I believe there is a whole area on thebump just for photos of BFP. You might get better feedback there since there will be other photos/stories to compare yours to. Good luck! Fingers and toes crossed for you!
    Me: 28 yrs old, diagnosed anovulation   Dh: Perfectly Healthy
    Married in 2008, together 7 years
    TTC since 8/2011
    4/2012 tried 1st round of Clomid @ 50mgs, BFN
    11/2012 tried 2nd round of Clomid @ 50mgs
    BFP on 12/16!!

    <a href=""><img src=",,79.png" alt="CafeMom Tickers" border="0" /></a>
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