That is good to hear. I thought something was going on or I ate too many Christmas cookies:) So from 6-14 weeks you belly went back down some?
Yep. Some days were worse than others especially later in the day, but it went down for the most part. Although I know a lot of people have said that the bloat stayed for them until it turned into baby belly. I didn't like the bella band, but a lot of people swear by them so it might be something to look into. Or Old Navy real waist maternity pants if you need to adjust them at different points during the day.
I have to say I have been bloated since day1- bloated like Aunt flow was coming. she didn't (yay!!) but it hasn't gone away for me at all. Some days are better than others, but there hasn't been any days where I didn't look and feel like I over ate on the carbs! Good luck to you though!
13 weeks on the's like I woke up one morning and nothing fit anymore! Luckily DH and I had gone shopping for maternity pants just a few days before. ::Sigh:: That's all that fits me now...
I've had some bloat (I got my BFP at 4w4d) the whole time, but because I have PCOS my belly (even though I am fairly tiny) is the biggest thing on me so I am used to my pants fitting perfectly everywhere else and being a bit snug around my waist. Normally I suck it in or deal, but now I don't really want to be doing that so I actually bought a Bella Band yesterday. Thank God she didn't ask me how far along I am (if I amnot sucking it in, I LOOK a lot further than I am b/c of the bloat/fat!). LOL But now I can comfortably wear all my pants for quite some time now.
I was bloated from week 5- week 9 (enough to need belly band bc I couldn't zip). Week 10 has brought a shift- a little less bloat, but a new hard shape that I notice, but I am sure no one else does.
Re: Tight pants?`
Yep. Some days were worse than others especially later in the day, but it went down for the most part. Although I know a lot of people have said that the bloat stayed for them until it turned into baby belly. I didn't like the bella band, but a lot of people swear by them so it might be something to look into. Or Old Navy real waist maternity pants if you need to adjust them at different points during the day.