So some of you are lucky enough to have a nice normal family and in laws. For those of you who don''s your judgement free holiday venting corner.....
My mil is a controlling freak. She constantly has to ask questions that are none of her business- how I feed him, what I feed, how I prepare it, who babysits, ect. She had to be my first visitor in the hospital and asked "where are you sending him to daycare?" While she was there. She thinks her family is the #1 and that every holiday and visit should be with them. Probably doesn't sound so bad right? Well this year she stooped to a new low telling my DH that she was going to get his grandma from out of state. She told him if she went through all the effort of getting her that he really needed to spend Christmas with his real family (meaning them and not mine) because the only thing keeping her alive is DS. I'm so pissed. I'm going to have to give myself a huge pep talk before having to grin and bear and entire day with her and her low antics.
Re: Holiday venting corner....
Oh in laws, such fun. I mostly get along with MIL, surprisingly better since LO was born but one really irritating thing is that she will make plans without consulting anyone. Like last Friday, she announced that she and FIL would be coming on Sunday and staying overnight (they live 2.5 hrs away). Not asking, just informing us. We actually had plans for my parents 45th anniversary and DH told her that so thankfully they are coming tonight instead. I just really hate feeling like we are being ordered around and not asked.