Sorry for the 4839474392974 questions lately. I swear I'm reading a lot and just not finding the answers to my specific questions.
So my kiddo has made incredible gains in EI in all areas of development outside of language. She's age appropriate or ahead of the curve in fine/gross motor, adaptive skills, did very well on non verbal cognitive testing, etc. she's made some considerable gains socially (though behind where she should be, of course) but language has been slow improving. She's not regressed but not made the kinds of gains they were hoping to see. She's got excellent nonverbal communication skills and has had so for two years but still tends to utilize that a lot over verbal requests. She's definitely got that hallmark apraxia sign where she opens her mouth and you can tell she wants to say something but can't get the words out and gets frustrated. I mentioned my concerns about DDs language skills and my neurodevelopmental pedi brushed them off as autism. I have apraxia as well as a strong family history of language disorders. I see my pedi next week and she will give me pretty much any referral I want. I'm unsure if I want to push for a language Eval at our children's hospital by a slp or give the poor kid a break. Thoughts?
Re: Autism and language question