March 2012 Moms

Drum roll please !!

This week we have new words.. Pig piggy  and tonight .. BEAR !! .. but  ladies and gentlemen... we have a sleeper.. in his OWN bed .

He actually fell asleep in his bed cuddling my arm  and watching lullabies on youtube on our TV...

I doubt he will be there all night, but it's a first and I am super happy and sad at the same time.. gonna miss my lil bed buddy when he starts sleeping in his own bed ....even though it's only 2 foot away from our bed lol.  

I shan't miss the foot in the head at 3 am tho haha

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Re: Drum roll please !!

  • Hooray! Does he keep the blanket on?
  • LilNunz1 said:
    Hooray! Does he keep the blanket on?
    For the most part yes.. but he is like his daddy and hates his feet getting too warm so he kicks blankets off when too hot .. he does that in our bed too.  He's been sleeping with blankets sheets and quilts and pillows since he was about 2 weeks old so I'm not worried about him having covers, 
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  • WipzWipz member
    edited December 2013
    how did he do? did he migrate back to your bed or sleep through on his own?? 

    He woke a couple of times and went back to sleep in his own bed.. but the last time he came back to ours... Just the fact he went to sleep in his bed and that he went back to sleep twice in it is huge for the lil man He has always hated being in his crib  because of the lack of space so this is a major  thing for him ..and us  :
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  • Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment. We are in this process also. Dd falls asleep in her own bed and will sleep in there for about 5 hours but after that she comes in to our bed. I'm not in any hurry to get her to sleep in there all night, because I know she will get it soon enough. Congrats again!
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  • .. guess who is napping in his own bed right now too.... aww my lil man is growing up way too soon.  Like you  @Kaleb87, I am in no rush to have him sleep through the night in his own bed ....let alone his own room.. but it's nice to know that if we wanted him to spend a few hours in his own bed.. he will.

    He will happily sleep ANYWHERE BUT his crib .. floor, queen beds, sofa.. so this is great.  He never climbs off our bed in the middle of the night  but can easily get up and down from the big beds safely if he wakes up after his nap. 

    We've never had a problem with him falling out of bed ..even tho he is a total bed monster and wriggles around till he lays horizontally across the top.
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  • Aww, big boy! That is an exciting milestone!
  • Aww!  I totally understand the bittersweet feeling of this!  DS starts out in his crib but usually is in our bed somewhere between midnight and 3.  He'll nap in his crib, but if he wakes up early I can get him to go back to sleep in our bed pretty easily most of the time.  While I'd love to eliminate the 4 am foot-in-the-face, I'm also not in any huge hurry to get in his crib all the time.. I love the morning snuggles when we first wake up!
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  • Yay!  I'm really nervous about the transition out of the crib!  DD won't sleep in our bed, so I don't know what we'll do if she doesn't stay in bed!

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