I am way far out on this but I wanted to ask if you have more than one, did you do anything to prepare the oldest for the 2nd (or 3rd, etc) baby? Our son has a bunch of stuffed animals that he calls his "babies" and when I ask him if mommy has a baby, he points to my belly and rubs it. It is the sweetest thing but I don't want him to feel left out as we go through this process and eventually bring LO home.
BTW, all looks good with new baby.. We saw the h/b on Thursday. DH and I are very excited but VERY nervous.
Re: Ways to get LO ready for new baby?
Now that she's here we had her bring him some presents (big brother teddy bear, fisher price doctors kit and FP zoo talkers monkey family) when he visited hospital. I do my best to never blame the baby for why I'm unavailable to him. We still call the baby "our baby". Meet let him help by getting burp rags, diapers etc.
He'll probably surprise you with how much he gets it! Good luck mama!
~ Married 10.30.04 ~
DS1 born 12.31.11 ~ DS2 born 2.4.14
My 2 December boys