BACK Ladies to another check in! Huge Hugs and sending T&P for all
the bad news we've had this week. FX for good news to come!
Any Updates?
QOTW: New years resolutions?
Winter Wishes list:
Check-In Leaders:
@ErinSays (in December!)
(Welcome to everyone!)((Hugs))
Hugs for anyone who might need them this week!
Good News!
Thanks to @poohniki for making our badge this month!
Currently Cycling/Scheduled
Sparkles2040 – IVF#1 w/ICSI – Christmas ER/ET
kcm187 – IVF#1 w/ICSI – ER ~ Dec 13/14
MrsC430 – FET #3 – ER ~ 12/26
poohniki – IUI w/DS in Dec
sweetsurrender9 – trying naturally with DH for a few cycles on RE’s advice
Neesey - FET #1.2 oral estrace and no delestrogen - ET 12/31
neilsixx - IVF #1 - ER - 11/12 - FET - Mid December
BLISS KISS - FET - ET - 1/15
Dreamingofdimples - IVF-starting stims 12/26
Tenyearwait - IVF #2 - ER 12/31
In the 2WW! (lots of people!!)
natianikole – IVF# 1 w/ICSI – ER Dec 2 Beta 12/16
Thinking of You! (BFN):
Jill Wheat - IVF#2 canceled/converted IUI
TaylorH84 – IVF#2 w/ICSI and PGD – ER Nov 27
SCSmith2011 – IVF - ET - 12/1 - Beta 12/10-Thinking of you while you wait to cycle again in Jan/Feb!
Margritli – IVF w/ICSI, zoladex suppression- ER ~ Dec 10
KR250222 - FET #3 - ET 12/16 - Beta 12/26
Delayed or Canceled Cycles:
Healz413 – Partner IVF w/ Donor Sperm (with Manada)– cycling again next month. FX
AquaJacks - IVF w/ICSI #1 -ER on 12/5: Freezing all on 12/11. ET planned for Late Jan/Early Feb.
Aurora1181 – IVF#2, microdose Lupron protocol –Freeze all. Fet in January or February
RunCC37 – IVF#2 w/estrogen priming antagonist protocol and HGH – ER - Dec 6th Beta- 12/20 (Embryos stopped growing )
Praying4Miracle17 - FET 2.2 - ET 12/18 (thin lining)
1983lindsey - IVF#1 w/ ICSI (converted IUI) - ET 12/18 (back to IUI! )
camerabug131 – IVF w/ICSI – ER Dec 9 (Freeze All) FET in Feb.
Re: Winter Wishes Check-In 12/20!!!
New year resolution:Try to stop worrying so much. I feel like IF has spilled over into every part my life. Trying to be positive and not waste energy on things I cant control.
*IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* Madison Riley
*FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
*FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks Kyle Andrew
*Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy
*FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
QOTW: New years resolutions- to maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat well and exercise and be more patient and thoughtful to my husband
Resolution: make time for myself and crochet as much as possible!
Good luck ladies and happy holidays!!
TTC Since 12/2008; DH: 32, Azoospermia me: 33, DX during IVF #4: Low AMH (Normal FSH) / SER due
to IVF Meds (causing failure to fertilize) Recent DX: Hashimoto's, Lupus Anticoagulant, White Blood Cell Disorder
High ANA, ATA, & APA, PAI-1 Heterozygous= blood clotting disorder; connective tissue disorder
IVF w/ ICSI #1 2/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #2 5/2011 IVF w/ ICSI #3 12/2012 *New RE* IVF w/ ICSI #4 5/2013
IVF w/ ICSI #5 8/2013 (Natural Cycle- No drugs)- One follicle->one blast. CCS normal. FET 9/10- 6BB blast. m/c @ 5w
IUI #1 12/23- BFN IUI #2 Cancelled (ovulated during AF) Prep:CoQ10 (300 mg); DHEA (25 mg); Melatonin (3 mg), Folgard 2.2, Metformin 500 2x, Levothyroxine 50mcg, Aspirin 81mg w/ calcium, B12, Vit. D 4000 & Prenate Elite Daily; Cabergoline 1/2 pill 2x week- Cycling: Estrace Priming; Prednisone 10mg, Lovenox 40mg 2x, Femera & Menopur
IUI #2.1 6/30 & 7/1. 1st Beta: 90 (7/15); 2nd Beta: 226 (7/17); 3rd Beta: 766 EDD: 3/23/2015
Happy Holidays & best wishes to all of you lovely ladies!!
It's twin girls!! Born on 11-2-14!
QOTW: praying more, continuing to eat healthy and stay active and distancing myself from all sources of negativity in my life.
6 rounds of clomid = no luck
IVF w/ ICSI & AZH #1 - Jan/2011 = ET cancelled OHSS
FET #1 & #2 - March/2011 & June/2011 = Chemical Preg.
IVF w/ Half ICSI #2 New RE - May/2012 = BFN!
May '12 - Sep '13 - Took A Break
Dec '13 IVF w/ Half ICSI #3!!!!! Switched RE
Protocol - Lupron trigger/Follistim/Ganirelix/Estrace/Vivelle/Crinone
6/27/14 - Emergency C/S @ 30w2d - Baby A 2lb 14oz, Baby B 2lb 11 oz
QOTW: I don't believe in NY resolutions.
QOTW: I guess mine would be to hold it together no matter how this turns out. To know this is our last try before either a BFP or CF is a bit overwhelming.
Began TTC #1 in Sept. 2010. I was 33, DH was 36.. Dx with DOR and slight MFI (8/4/11).
Test results (after first RE visit 6/21/11): 7DPO b/w: Progesterone = 11.3; CD3 b/w: FSH = 10.1 mUnits/mL, E2= 52.0 pg/mL, AFC: 6; SIS Ultrasound: Uterus great, tubes clear! AMH: 0.3
IUI#1 June 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN
IUI#2 July 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): BFN
IUI#3 August 2012 (Follistim/HCG trigger): CP (Beta #1: 4.61, Beta #2: 1.0)
IUI#4 October 2012 (Follistim, ovulated before trigger, missed IUI, converted to TI): BFN
Jan. 2013 New RE
IVF #1 June 2013 MDL Protocol. Converted to IUI#4.1. (High E2 and 3+ mature follicles at first monitoring.) BFFN
IVF #1.2 August 2013 Stop Lupron Protocol with Human Growth Hormone added. 17R, 14M, 9F (with ICSI), 2 embryos (decent quality - grade 2) transferred on day 3, 2 blasts made it to freeze. Beta 8/26. BFFN
FET #1 December 2013 Last try! Transferred 2 blasts -- graded 3AB and 4BB. Beta #1 (12/27/13) 530. Beta #2 (12/30/13) 1876. BFP! One bean. EDD 9/3/2014!
We welcomed the most beautiful baby girl into the world on September 11, 2014!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all
Deciding how many to transfer was nerve racking up until we made the actual decision after talking with the embryologist. I feel at peace with it now.
Beta is 12/31.... Hopefully it'll be a Happy New Year for us
Fingers crossed for all my 2WW buddies!!
12/31 Beta #1: 404 Beta #2: 1,027
12/31 Beta #1: 404 Beta #2: 1,027
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
Update: Beta is scheduled for 12/26 so just waiting for that to roll around.
New Year's Resolutions: I usually try not to make any: but eat right, maintain my exercise routine, and STICK to the budget...all thinking for the future if beta is a positive.
Good luck ladies!
12/31 Beta #1: 404 Beta #2: 1,027
Update: I tested out my trigger. I only had 5000 units so I didn't think it would last long. Testing with wondfos led to trigger testing h*ll! The tests are cheap which is nice but that also means they're not as consistent, leaving me wondering if the lines were getting lighter or darker. Well at 5dp5dt, I finally thought they were darker. Shockingly I got a digital positive as well. I was still worried it might be the trigger but today (7dp5dt) I got a much darker line on an FRER! Beta isn't until 12/24 so I have a few more days to wait. I am trying to not be so scared and enjoy this.
I don't really make new year's resolutions. I would like to have a baby and find a job. FX both of those things happen this year.
Congrats to those ladies with good news!!
Hugs to all those that need them!
TTC#1 since 5/2011
DX: Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Myasthenia Gravis, Aplastic Anemia, one copy MTHFR DH SA: count 52% motility (slow progressive), 0% normal morph
June-July 2012: Clomid cycles=BFNs
August 2012: New RE, started Metformin, Letrozole 7.5mg+TI=BFN Sept. 2012: IUI#1: Letrozole 7.5mg=BFN
Oct. 2012: IUI#2 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
Nov '12-March '13 on a break
April 2013: IUI#3 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
June 2013: IVF#1 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix =BFN, 3 Frosties
August 2013: FET#1=BFP 8/20/13, EDD 4/30/13, MMC 10/1/13
December 2013: IVF#2 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix=?
~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~
TTC#1 since 5/2011
DX: Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Myasthenia Gravis, Aplastic Anemia, one copy MTHFR DH SA: count 52% motility (slow progressive), 0% normal morph
June-July 2012: Clomid cycles=BFNs
August 2012: New RE, started Metformin, Letrozole 7.5mg+TI=BFN Sept. 2012: IUI#1: Letrozole 7.5mg=BFN
Oct. 2012: IUI#2 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
Nov '12-March '13 on a break
April 2013: IUI#3 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
June 2013: IVF#1 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix =BFN, 3 Frosties
August 2013: FET#1=BFP 8/20/13, EDD 4/30/13, MMC 10/1/13
December 2013: IVF#2 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix=?
~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~
TTC#1 since 5/2011
DX: Hypothyroidism, PCOS, Myasthenia Gravis, Aplastic Anemia, one copy MTHFR DH SA: count 52% motility (slow progressive), 0% normal morph
June-July 2012: Clomid cycles=BFNs
August 2012: New RE, started Metformin, Letrozole 7.5mg+TI=BFN Sept. 2012: IUI#1: Letrozole 7.5mg=BFN
Oct. 2012: IUI#2 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
Nov '12-March '13 on a break
April 2013: IUI#3 Letrozole 7.5mg+Dexamethasone=BFN
June 2013: IVF#1 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix =BFN, 3 Frosties
August 2013: FET#1=BFP 8/20/13, EDD 4/30/13, MMC 10/1/13
December 2013: IVF#2 Follistim/Menopur/Ganirelix=?
~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~
QOTW: Be as healthy as I can be while pregnant. I am going to try very hard to not give into unhealthy cravings and try to find healthier substitutes. (Easier said than done)
TTC Since 3/12
Me (27): Blocked right tube
DH (29): Low motility and morphology & slightly Low T
4/13: 50 mg Clomid=BFN
5/13: 50 mg Clomid=BFN
6/13: 50 mg Clomid=BFN
7/13: 100mg Clomid=BFN
12/13: IVF w/ ICSI (BCP, Lupron, Gonal-F, Low-dose HCG, Pregnyl)
ER 12/10/13 19R, 6M, 4F (all 4 made it to day 5)
Lining at 13mm
ET 12/15/13 5dt of 2 Perfect Embryos
2 Frosties
First Ever BFP on 12/21 at 6dp5dt
Beta #1: 12/23 8dp5dt- 170
Beta #2: 12/26 11dp5dt- 461
Beta #3: 1/2 18dp5dt- 6,840
1st u/s on 1/13 showed TWINS!
EDD 9/2/14
U/S on 3/21 revealed TWIN BOYS!
6 rounds of clomid = no luck
IVF w/ ICSI & AZH #1 - Jan/2011 = ET cancelled OHSS
FET #1 & #2 - March/2011 & June/2011 = Chemical Preg.
IVF w/ Half ICSI #2 New RE - May/2012 = BFN!
May '12 - Sep '13 - Took A Break
Dec '13 IVF w/ Half ICSI #3!!!!! Switched RE
Protocol - Lupron trigger/Follistim/Ganirelix/Estrace/Vivelle/Crinone
6/27/14 - Emergency C/S @ 30w2d - Baby A 2lb 14oz, Baby B 2lb 11 oz
DH 38- Low Everything
Me 33- AMH .9
Married 11 years
2002-current IUIs, meds, natural = All BFN
Aug. '13 Attempt at IVF #1 with Lurpon Flare- Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron.
Sept. '13 - We will try again with EPP.
October '13 Started BCP for December IVF. Long Lupron protocol. Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron.
April '14 Planning IVF attempt #3. Adding Cetrotide. Doc consult at the end of this month.
@beth9409 - FX you heard some good news today????
6 rounds of clomid = no luck
IVF w/ ICSI & AZH #1 - Jan/2011 = ET cancelled OHSS
FET #1 & #2 - March/2011 & June/2011 = Chemical Preg.
IVF w/ Half ICSI #2 New RE - May/2012 = BFN!
May '12 - Sep '13 - Took A Break
Dec '13 IVF w/ Half ICSI #3!!!!! Switched RE
Protocol - Lupron trigger/Follistim/Ganirelix/Estrace/Vivelle/Crinone
6/27/14 - Emergency C/S @ 30w2d - Baby A 2lb 14oz, Baby B 2lb 11 oz
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
*IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* Madison Riley
*FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
*FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks Kyle Andrew
*Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy
*FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
Married July 4, 2009
Me: 33/ DH: 40
TTC since June 2011 (Vasectomy Reversal)
DX: Low sperm count
IVF #1 w/ ICSI
Gonal F + Menopur + Cetrotide + Lupron trigger
ER 10/29, 7 retrieved, 4 fertilized
Progesterone level high too soon.
Transfer cancelled 11/1
Transfer cancelled 11/3, 2 embryos frozen
FET: Scheduled for 12/12
Delestrogen and PIO
Beta #1: 12/26
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
*IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* Madison Riley
*FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
*FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks Kyle Andrew
*Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy
*FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28
*IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* Madison Riley
*FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
*FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks Kyle Andrew
*Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy
*FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
DX: Unexplained
BETA #1 59 BETA #2 148 BETA #3 283 BETA #4 2,783! US at 6w2d shows 1 bean measuring right on track! HR 121. US at 8w3d measuring on track HR 177. Released form my RE. EDD 12/28