High-Risk Pregnancy

Intro again I guess

Hey ladies, I don't post to much on here because I usually don't have time, but now that I'm on bed rest I guess I will have plenty time! So I guess let me tell ya alittle about me and my (problems) lol. I'm 28 mother of 3 little boys all under 10. I love my guys more then live it's self and they r so excited to meet their new brother. I was working till recently when I was put on bed rest due to high blood pressure. Now comes my problem! I have chronic high blood pressure. It's usually not this high out side of pregnancy but high. I have been on aldomet 3 times a day since I was 5 weeks pregnant and that controlled it alittle. When I was about 27 weeks my bottom number started going up over 100 so I was put in the hospital and started on porcardia 2 times a day. So now I'm taking 5 pills a day and my blood pressure is still high. I see my doctor once a week and have a nst twice a week. I also see a high risk doctor every two weeks. It's so frustrating not know what's going on with my body and the doctors don't have a clue either. I guess that's pretty much it. I'm not much of a typer hope y'all understand what I'm saying lol. Oh I'm due February 10.
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