January 2014 Moms

*~* Thursday Ticker Change *~*

Another week down, ladies!




Random musings?

GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!).
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Re: *~* Thursday Ticker Change *~*

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    Weeks? 35

    Team? Pink

    Updates/Appts? Appt. today-- and then weekly! Still low risk and everything seems fine (we'll see for sure today) However, last night I had my first choking episode (choking on nothing?) and LO is definitely running out of room.

    Random musings? I am the worst at nesting. I hate cleaning, so I've just been panicking and beggint DH to clean.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about. I feel like I suck at Christmas this year, but I am probably most excited to give my brother his box of goodies from Quirky and/or a TMNT action figure from when we were little.
    Charlotte Lynne ~ Jan. 23, 2014


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    Week - 38 - and I'm ready for this baby - nervous but ready!

    Team - Blue

    Updates - I had a doctors appt and an U/S on Monday.  Baby is big but I'm measuring where I should be, fluid levels are normal and baby is head down.  So I'm uncomfortable but baby looks great so I will go with the flow for a little longer!

    * Also megngregk - I never got to 3cm with DS1 so I would be excited.

    Random musings - I haven't been bump posting as much in the last couple weeks.  Not sure why.  I think I'm nesting and turning inwards in preparation for the baby.  Also I think I'm done with HDBD I just can't be bothered to be properly dresses and taking pictures any more. 

    GTKY - Well this is the first year DS1 really understands Santa and Christmas so DH and I are really excited for him.  He loved visiting Santa and is so excited.  I can't wait for him to open his gifts from Santa (buzz and woody) and to see his face when he comes downstairs on Christmas morning.  We decided if something happens and we are in the hospital we will delay Christmas as he can't tell time yet - thankfully.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    BabyChillBabyChill member
    edited December 2013
    Edit: Dr Appt Update
    Weeks? 37.

    Team? Pink

    Updates/Appts? Cervical checks started today. Had a surprise US to check position. She is head down feet up however she is facing up and not down. They checked her messurements and the estimate as of today is 7lbs 11oz -- she is messuring a week ahead so maybe she will come a little early... if not then I am looking at a 9+lb baby. I am not dilated at all yet but my cervix has started to soften. They are not worried about the swelling -- they just said to try and keep my feet elevated and drink more water. I have also been having lower back pain that has been rather annoying... but now knowing the size that explains a lot.

    Random musings? I am beyond ready for this little girl to get here! I am sick of wrapping presents and I don't know if I am even going to put up a Christmas tree this year. All I really want is to just have this baby.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I have my husband a Playstation... that is what I am most excited about! Last year a few days before new years my DH asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year and I told that I wanted a baby. He then replied with "well I will give you a baby if you get me a Wii U". Since then he has changed his mind on what gaming system he wanted but I still think that it is cute that we are having a baby and I am getting him a gaming system so we both get what we want.
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    Weeks?  35!

    Team? Pink!

    Updates/Appts? My 36-week appointment is on Monday, and assuming my OB is still on board, my last day at work should be tomorrow!  Maybe now I can actually get some preparations for Christmas out of the way!  All I have purchased thus far is the wrapping paper for my daughter, niece and nephew's presents.  It's Cars themed.

    Random musings? We are getting closer to starting the nursery!  My music studio is gone; I now have a piano in my living room, but our new bedroom is now all painted and set up, and the baby's nursery is empty and just waiting for a paint color and carpet cleaning.  Today is exactly a month from my due date!  AHHH!!! So excited!

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I'm excited to reveal DD1's "Big Girl Room!"  I hope she likes her toddler bed complete with Princess bedding.
    December Siggy Challenge:

    A Charlie Brown Christmas


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    Weeks? 38!!!

    Team? Green

    Updates/Appts? Nothing new to report.

    Random musings? I've been in a slump lately. Work sucks..I have yet to meet with my boss about a plan when I'm out (he's always "too busy") I have no idea what to get anyone for Christmas and time is running out.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). Nothing....people are getting generic gifts this year (gcs, dvds, scarves etc.) so that I don't have to put much thought into it. Yes, I suck at Christmas this year...


    Missing Our July Sparkler
    BFP#1-11/12/12, MMC 1/16/13-baby stopped growing @ 9wks, found out at 13wks, D&E 1/25/13
    BFP#2-4/23/13 EDD-01/02/14 baby BOY born 12/31/13 Michael Cameron <3

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    Weeks: 35

    Team: pink

    Random musings: Trying to keep my pregnant brain focused on the last few things I need to for baking this weekend. Made lists, lists lists.. Ugh!
    Christmas with my family is on Sunday. Excited as it's for the nieces and nephews only but dreading the crowd and the mess.
    Nothing really new with baby. NST's x2 week have continued. Been checked, long and closed. Hoping things change quickly because the pubic bone pain that has me in tears almost daily, I'm over it!

    GTKY: my SO sucks at being able to surprise. He's worse than anyone of our kids and shaking, unwrapping, to try and catch a glimpse of his gifts. This year though I got him a framed gift with ticket stubs, programs and pictures of the 5 Super Bowls his fav team (Dallas Cowboys) went to the Super Bowl. It arrived when he wasn't home, wrapped immediately and hidden in the teenagers closet (nobody wants to go in there) So I'm thrilled I have 1 gift he has NO idea about!
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    34 weeks! 5 weeks to go, woot woot!

    Team pink!

    Appt updates: Let's see, my OB is making me take the 3 hour GTT test on 12/27 because my belly is now measuring 6 weeks ahead.  That combined with the 6lb growth estimate at my 32w ultrasound, she wants me to take it "just in case."  GRRR.  My induction will be no later than January 27th.  I'm sure I will make it to that point, unfortunately.  But at least the end is near.

    GTKY:  OMG, let me just tell you... Christmas is AMAZING when you have kids.  Especially when said kids actually know what's going on.  DS1 started really "getting it" last year and this year is even better. Every morning he wakes up and says "Mommy, mommy, 6 MORE DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS!!"  It's the best.

    As far as gifts, I'm most excited about the Wii U we got for the kids as their big gift.  DS1 also asked for a few Angry Bird Star Wars games and he will be SO EXCITED to open them.  DD1 is really excited about the FP Kilp Klop Stable (aka "princerella ponies") so she will be so excited to open that.  DS2 really doesn't understand what's going on, but we got him a bunch of fun things as well (a mini drum set, a soccer ball, light up toys, a Mega Blocks wagon, etc.) and I can't wait to see him open them!

    Non-kids related, my sisters and I got my mom an iPad Air.  EEEKKK!  DH and I kept it simple this year, but I did get him a new wallet I think he will love.  Other than that, I only got him clothes.  I might pick up one more "fun" thing this weekend... we'll see what I can find.

    Carter Robert 7.18.08 | Brynn Sophia 5.24.10 | Reid Joseph 9.10.12 | Emerson Mae 1.27.14

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    Weeks?  37 - 3 to go.  Holy sh!t!!!

    Team?  Green

    Updates/Appts?  Saw a neurologist yesterday for my headaches who says he wants me in for an MRI before anything labour related happens....I told him he'd better hurry up lol.  Once I've had the MRI, I guess we'll know more.  Weekly appointment tonight which will likely be a nothing appointment as I don't really have any questions.

    Random musings?  I'm excited to have this baby and would love it to come before the new near so I can get on the road to recovery.  I've never wanted a cesarean (it's been the worst case scenario) but for some reason, the closer I get to my due date, I foresee that being the way this little nut comes into the world.  I don't quite know how I feel about it yet.  I'm also ready for the hormones to go away - ugly crying one minute, happy the next.  Aye!

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!).  $250 gift certificate to my Mom's favourite spa.  She's an amazing lady who has already told me she's going to watch baby-LO two days a week so I can come back part time.  She loves the spa!  Other than that it's just a bunch of stuff.  We already have too much "stuff" so trying to cut back.
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    Weeks? 34

    Team? Blue

    Updates/Appts? I had an appointment this morning.  Baby boy is doing well, and he still appears to be head-down (my OB confirmed the thing sticking out of my upper stomach is a foot).  My next appointment is in 2 weeks, then I'll start weeklies.  Next appointment will be the fun one--GBS test, growth u/s, and my first cervical check.

    Random musings?  While it is easy to get a little jealous of everyone who is so much closer to giving birth (or who already has), I am a little grateful for my end-of-the-month due date right now because I can really focus on nesting once Christmas is over.  I am also ready to mentally check out at work, which I can't because I'm suddenly slammed.  Boo.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!).  DH and I are going very low-key this Christmas for ourselves, so I think I'm most excited about watching DD open her presents.  I don't think she really "gets" Christmas yet, but I think she's going to love her new play kitchen and other stuff she's getting.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


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    Weeks? 36!

    Team? Pink

    Updates/Appts? GBS came back negative, so I can check that off the list. Still throwing up like a normal thing every morning and im starting to wonder, is it just in my mind?! Appt this afternoon with midwife!

    Random musings? We went to a bday party this past weekend, I figured we give the kids their Xmas presents at that time. All the presents were unwrapped so I got busy..after wrapping a few, I was so exhausted that I didnt even wrap the bday present! 

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I havent decided on what im getting S/O yet!? But whatever it is, that would be the gift since all the other gifts I've given is toys or clothes for the kids. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    Weeks? 37

    Team? Pink

    Updates/Appts? Will have 1 more appt on 12/30...I am GBS + again. But, I'm a RCS, so no biggie. 15 days til lil lady's bday!

    Random musings? Being 9 mo pregnant with a 28 mo old turns you into a complete nut job putting you in the worst mood all day. I've never lost my cool this much ever!

    GTKY: I'm excited to give DS his leap pad ultra and my MIL a personalized mother's necklace.

     Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers PitaPata Dog tickers
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    Weeks? 34 weeks!

    Team? Blue

    Updates/Appts? Had a regular appt on Tuesday and little dude's heartrate sounded good but my belly is still measuring a bit behind and my BP was higher than what the doctor wanted (even though the daily home readings have been great) so we are just keeping an eye on things. Going on our hospital tour this afternoon and DH is antsy to install the carseat but we will wait until after my family leaves from visiting since we will need those back seats to shuttle them around.  

    Random musings? How is it that my belly and butt are so much bigger yet my pants/jeans won't stay up?!   I may have to give up on legitimate pants and convert entirely to yoga pants and leggings with tunics/dresses.  If I do that I need at least one more pair of each though and I don't want to buy more maternity clothes with 6 weeks left, harumph!

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I'm giving my siblings and each of my nieces and nephews a little pinecone ornament that I found when we cleaned out my mom's house this summer.  I was with her when she bought them after Christmas last year and I'm glad that I can carry on the tradition of ornaments from Nana/Mom for one last Christmas.

    image             image             
        Baby K is 3 months old!                     Max: The original fur baby            
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    HeartOverMindHeartOverMind member
    edited December 2013
    Weeks? 36! Can't believe it

    Team? Pink! (This was confirmed at our u/s last Friday) 

    Updates/Appts? At the growth scan baby measured to be about 4lbs11oz (+/- 11oz) so she will most likely be a little girl. But that's ok by me. Although, when the tech told us I was a little disappointed; I was hoping she would be a little bigger. But I know these growth scans are only estimates.

    Random musings? I am so incredibly tired right now that I might drop at my desk. This is nuts!

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I got my husband P90X3 and he is going to be sooo excited to have that. He's really into working out and junk. lol
    Me: 30  DH: 34  Us: Est. 2009 (Dating) // 2013 (Married)
    DD1: 12/26/2013  DD2: 08/03/2016  DS1: 05/10/2018  Baby #4: EDD 11/22/2020 (Team Green)
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    Weeks? 38!! When did that happen!?

    Team? Pink!

    Updates/Appts? Had my weekly appt. today. Still only about 40% effaced and not dilated at all. Wish things were a little further along but I just feel it in my gut that she's going to be late. GBS test was positive...not happy about that. Dr. said she is definitely in head down position and ready to go, my body just isn't ready to let her leave yet I guess.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I got my husband an Ohio State football jersey. He casually mentioned it one day while we were watching some college football games and I got it. I don't think he has any idea that I caught on to him saying he wanted one so I think he will be surprised.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker




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    Weeks? 37!  Full term!

    Team?  Pink.

    Updates/Appts?  Had a good appointment today.  Baby has still not dropped but I am 1 cm dilated.  I'd love to have this baby in 2013.  A girl can dream!

    Random musings? The holidays could be the worst time ever to be pregnant...or the best time...depending on how you look at it.  Pros: less worry about all of the sweets you eat and work slows down a bit around the time you are too uncomfortable to concentrate anymore, can't travel.  Cons: eat way too many things that are bad for you and put on a bunch of extra weight at the end of pregnancy when you thought you were sort of done gaining, can't travel, can't enjoy holiday beverages, at least not the festive ones.

    GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!).  I'm most excited about the necklace I got my sister in law.  It is a small token but she has been extremely supportive to me through tough times at the beginning of the year, and then through the pregnancy.  It's a special relationship since I don't have a sister of my own.

    Hang in there, ladies!
    Lilypie - (bDmZ)Lilypie - (SUYh)
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    Weeks? 35!

    Team? Pink.

    Updates/Appts? Had my Strep B test yesterday since the office is closed next week. I'm also 1.5 cm dilated. My BP was elevated but I am chalking that up to a stressful work day. I also have my follow up scan on Christmas Eve to check the spot on LO's liver. Fingers crossed that it'll be gone!

    GTKY: What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!) I feel like I went kind of lame/generic on all gifts this year but I get a pass, right? I am most excited to see DD open all her toys! She gets excited over the smallest of things so I can NOT wait to see her reaction. I love the age she's at and I may have gone a tad overboard with her stuff. ;)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Weeks? 35 weeks! Team green twins. Updates/Appts? This week is my first at home, but still working. But it has been so busy with appointments! I've had the MFm, which went great and we graduated! Babies are A 4 lbs10oz and B 4lbs 9 ozs, and good to go anytime. I've had 3 non stress tests and passed all very well, two biophysical exams to check fluids and the babies have a ton, which is great. Then ob appt where I learned cervix is nice and thick and only 1 cm dilated. Heres hoping we make it to January!! That's my dream. Ps I'm in so much pain and discomfort, if not for Xmas I'd want this so over with. GTKY (sticking with the Christmas theme since it's the last TC day beforehand): What gift(s) are you giving this year that you're most excited about (excluding babies!). I got my sister some beautiful coupe glasses from anthropology, they are so gorgeous! Can't wait for her to open them! Otherwise I failed at Xmas this year! On mobile
    Married my best friend, June 8, 2008

    5/17/13 BFP!!! 6/6/13 - OMG its TWINS!

    Josie and Lexie were born on January 4, 2014 at 37w2d
    Josie was 5lbs2oz, Lexie was 4lbs15oz 
    Both had a 9 APGAR score with no NICU time
    Planned unscheduled C-Section due to both being breech
    We all went home on Jan 6th, 2 days after surgery

    My popular blog posts:


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