So I thought synthetics were more prone to stink? My natural fiber diapers definitely have something weird going on. They don't smell when they come out of the washer, but when I go to change him out of a wet diaper it smells like stale cigarettes. It's not ammonia, and it's not animal-like, it's just...gross. The problem is mostly with my Grovia AIOs, OS Simplex, and Sbish snapless diapers. My synthetic AIOs (Freetimes, TB, etc) don't stink at all. I just started using my prefolds again after a very long hiatus, and they don't stink either, so I'm thinking it's something that's been going on over time.
EOD Wash Cycle:
warm prewash no detergent
hot wash/cold rinse w/ Charlie's
cold rinse
There are definitely no bubbles in the rinse cycle because I'm weird and look almost every time. And I soak all overnight diapers in hot water before throwing them in the wet bag.
Detergent-wise, Charlie's has been then only thing that cleaned but didn't irritate my son's skin. We've tried and failed with Tide, Ecos, Ruby Moon, All F & C powder, BG, Country Save, Tiny Bubbles, and something else I'm forgetting.
I'm thinking of either bleach or a washing soda soak? Thoughts?
Re: Natural Fiber Stink
The real question is after the smell goes away how to keep it from coming back....