Two Under 2

Help with nighttime routine for 2u2

Hi! My lo's are 11 months apart- cuurenty 9 and 20 months. Routine for both is bath bottle bed. DH and I split up I do the dd's bath and bottle and he does DS(20 months). Any ideas for new routine so one of us can get a break one night or if one of us alone at night doing it? Bath together etc.. I am desperate or suggestions! Thank you
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Re: Help with nighttime routine for 2u2

  • Can you just do everything together?  Tub together, bottle while reading story, then bed?  That is what we do when I am alone with all 3 and it is a bath night (every other night).  Other times the baby is tired and ready to sleep earlier than the others (and when I had 2u2, my DD#1 was like that some nights).  While the bigger kid(s) are eating dinner, I would give the baby a bath in the kitchen sink.  Then do bottle, hopefully while they are still eating (or quietly playing).  Then bed for her.  Then bath, bed for the others.  Good luck!  It is challenging to do them both at the same time, but you can do it!
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  • I bathe both together in DD#1's bathroom. I pull DD#2 out first and lotion/diaper/jammies. Then I let her play while I do lotion and jammies for DD#1.  We then read and sing songs and put DD#1 in her crib. I take DD#2 in her room and read 1 last book and nurse her to sleep.  I do this alone half the month every month.
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  • My DH works evenings, so I'm on my own 5 nights a week. Here's our routine (more or less).

    5:00 Dinner for me and DD (DS in bouncy seat in kitchen)
    5:30 Bathtime--DD in first, then undress and bathe DS, he goes back in bouncy while I wash DD and dress her
    Playtime until DS needs to sleep based on his naps
    Somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00--Set up DD to play independently. Nurse DS quietly in my room for 5-10 minutes and then leave. He falls asleep on his own.
    Playtime or storytime for DD...sometimes with me, sometimes independently while I clean
    7:30--clean up toys, last diaper change, teeth brushing
    Somewhere between 7:45 and 8:00--sing one or two songs with DD in her dark room, lay her down, leave the room, and she falls asleep on her own

    Basically, I do everything I can with both kids together. I pushed DD's bedtime back a little more than I wanted to (I prefer she goes down between 7:00 and 7:30) so that I could stagger the parts of the routine where they need one-on-one attention. I'm hoping that we can work into putting them down at the same time as soon as I move DS to sleeping in the nursery with DD. Until that happens, they'll just have staggered bedtimes (and wake up times too).
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • I bath the kids together. Then I let DD run around and play while I get DS dressed in PJs.  Then get DD ready, then bottle while reading book to both.  Put DS down, then put DD down.  I do this in about 15 minutes most nights.  
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