Hi! My lo's are 11 months apart- cuurenty 9 and 20 months. Routine for both is bath bottle bed. DH and I split up I do the dd's bath and bottle and he does DS(20 months).
Any ideas for new routine so one of us can get a break one night or if one of us alone at night doing it? Bath together etc.. I am desperate or suggestions!
Thank you
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Re: Help with nighttime routine for 2u2
5:00 Dinner for me and DD (DS in bouncy seat in kitchen)
5:30 Bathtime--DD in first, then undress and bathe DS, he goes back in bouncy while I wash DD and dress her
Playtime until DS needs to sleep based on his naps
Somewhere between 6:30 and 7:00--Set up DD to play independently. Nurse DS quietly in my room for 5-10 minutes and then leave. He falls asleep on his own.
Playtime or storytime for DD...sometimes with me, sometimes independently while I clean
7:30--clean up toys, last diaper change, teeth brushing
Somewhere between 7:45 and 8:00--sing one or two songs with DD in her dark room, lay her down, leave the room, and she falls asleep on her own
Basically, I do everything I can with both kids together. I pushed DD's bedtime back a little more than I wanted to (I prefer she goes down between 7:00 and 7:30) so that I could stagger the parts of the routine where they need one-on-one attention. I'm hoping that we can work into putting them down at the same time as soon as I move DS to sleeping in the nursery with DD. Until that happens, they'll just have staggered bedtimes (and wake up times too).