2nd Trimester

echogenic intracardiac focus

So i had an ultrasound done yesterday and they found something that is causing me great worry. An echogenic intracardiac focus. I had never even heard of this and now it's all I'm thinking about. I'm 35 so I'd had genetic testing done already and my odds for chromosomal abnormalities and downs were very low. So the dr explains to me that what this finding is has no affect on the babys heart but it CAN be a soft marker for downs. I got really upset. The Dr said he's not worried and I should not worry either, but how can I not? he said everything else is fine and with the testing I had he's confident. I was still worried today and call and spoke with a nurse. She also said I shouldnt worry. She thinks that soon this genetic blood test i had will take the place of amnios since they are 99%. No one seems to think I should have an amnio, but the option is there. I'm not sure what the point of the amnio would be since I already did the genetic tests (verify or harmony, forget which one). I'm just so frustrated. I've been reading about this and there are many mixed reviews. Some researchers think it's a soft marker, some think it isn't. 

What i want to know is, who are these people who seem to find out for certain they are having baby with downs and terminate the pregnancy? Not trying to offend anyone, but how do some people know for sure they are having a downs baby to the point where they terminate? seems like nothing is ever certain. 

Re: echogenic intracardiac focus

  • My DS had this on his 20 week anatomy scan. I did some more blood work after and it came back low chance. DS is perfectly healthy. Doing a little research it's pretty common and usually nothing. If that's the only soft marker I wouldn't worry to much. 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
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  • Thanks. I feel like people (dr, nurse, husband, mother) are acting like this is really no big deal, but they are not carrying the baby! I cried in front of the dr and it was my first time meeting him. How does the calcification even get on the heart? 
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  • https://contemporaryobgyn.modernmedicine.com/contemporary-obgyn/news/smfm-consult-isolated-echogenic-intracardiac-focus

    Hope this helps. It doesn't effect the heart or anything like that. It's just something that's there I guess. I never fully understood it either. My DS doens't have downs and has no heart problems. I know it's hard but all your testing came back fine and your doctor isn't worried. Just a quick google showed a lot of pregnancy board discussions about it and their doctors weren't worried either. There's a reason it's a "soft" marker. I did freak out myself for a few days but everyone assured me my son was fine and he is. 
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Doc found the same on my son's heart at the 20 week a/s.  Since my 1st tri tests came back with very low risk, she sent me for a more in depth ultrasound.  That doc found no other soft markers, which means that while the risk for a chromosomal abnormality increases, it's still not significant. 

    As for how the calcification gets there, the doc said it may not even be a calcification.  It could just be the way the heart muscle has developed.

    I was nervous for the week between the a/s and the follow up, but I tried my best to relax.  Stress is not great for baby, so just do your best to keep your mind off it, or talk about it, or whatever helps lower your stress level.
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  • blush64blush64 member
    edited December 2013
    An amnio is certain. I am in Canada and the tests you mention are still considered screening here. (And not widely available) An amnio looks at more than what the tests you mention are able to look at. I don't see how the tests they currently do could completely replace the amnio as the amnio is able to give more information and is dojne for so many reasons.

    If the health care professionals don't think you need an amnio and you don't want one I don't see an issue, don't have one.

    Hearing anything out of the ordinary is so scary buf as PP said, a soft marker does not have to mean anything. (Especially when all your tests said nothing is going on)

    As far as termination and reasons for it, that is personal and so I assume a woman making that choice is sure of why.

    Edit I also wanted to point out that the risk of a miscarriage or issue from an amnio is usually much less than we hear. I was at a greatly increased risk of an issue with my daughter. Until then I always thought I would not ever risk an amnio. I changed my mind after meeting with the doctor and learning more about the actual risk and knowing that if there was an issue we could know for sure and prepare for everything. (One example, I would have delivered in a different hospital)
  • I am XP my reply from the high risk board in case you only check back here.

    We also have an echogenic focus, along with a couple other soft markers for downs.  This is what they told me.  With just an echogenic focus, your odds of down syndrome do not change at all.  It is an "extremely wimpy" indicator of downs…as in most babies who have an echogenic focus do not have downs, and most kids with downs do not have an echogenic focus on their ultrasound…there is just a slightly higher rate of kids with downs who did have an echogenic focus on their ultrasound.  They only make note of the echogenic focus because if you have that in addition to other markers, then you may have a higher rate of downs.  

    When they did my first A/S, they only saw the focus and I was told I had no higher chance of chromosomal abnormalities.  Then my provider realized she didn't see a note on the ultrasound about a 2 vessel cord which CAN be a marker for downs, but again, isn't a marker by itself.  This was enough for them to send me to higher level ultrasound.  They found that one of my baby's kidneys also has a little extra fluid in it, which again, can be a "wimpy indicator" for downs.  Even with THREE markers for me, my odds only increased to 1 in 500…that is a 99.8% chance that my baby does not have downs syndrome…roughly what the general population faces.  We declined an amnio.  It does not make any sense to me to risk the 1 in 500 chance of miscarriage or 1 in 200 chance of preterm labor for a baby that only has a 1 in 500 chance of downs in the first place!  

    If I was you, I really would not worry.  It is not healthy for you or the baby.  Your odds are not increased of having a baby with downs with just an echogenic focus.  It is not a birth defect.  It will not permanently affect your baby's heart.  You already had the harmony test and got good results, so at this point you should just try to relax…and enjoy your healthy pregnancy!
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  • Thanks. I've only found out yesterday and it's been a roller coaster. One minute i feel confident that things are ok, the next minute I'm crying. I looked at his 3-d ultrasound picture and cried. He's my baby no matter what but I want him to be ok. I'm just so confused. The verifi test i had was good, the NT scan was normal, nothing else came up on this U/S except the EFI, but there is so much information on this one marker. If it doesn't really matter then why is it a marker at all. I just wish the Dr's didnt tell me about this. I'm feeling like I did something wrong during the pregnancy to cause this to happen to the baby's heart.
  • I had this marker on my test last Monday. Although perinatologist said i had NO other markers and risk was 1/700, he still offered me an amnio or a blood DNA test. I declined the amnio due to risk of miscarriage but agreed to the blood test. I'm still waiting on results - takes 7-14 biz days. 

    I need to know for peace of mind - if this baby has down syndrome i will love them just the same. I'm just a planner and researcher and want to make sure I am fully prepared. I could never terminate.
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