
What could this be from?

I wear a right hand ring that is white gold and nice quality. I've been wearing it for years with no problems.  Well, I had to take it off today and it is like it left an indention on my finger.  It slipped off and on very easily, so weird, right? My skin is really dry under it and almost burns.  Like I said, it is white gold, so not like it is cheap metal.  My wedding rings are white gold too and I am having not probs with them.

Re: What could this be from?

  • That used to happen to my mom when she used new dish detergent and had a reaction.  That's odd that it is only on one hand though.
  • Could moisture be getting trapped under it and causing it to "chaffe?"

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  • I am trying to recall what I read about white gold from my days on the Knot, so forgive me if this is not 100% spot on, but this is vaguely what I recall.  White gold is made by plating yellow gold with nickel.  It periodically has to be "redipped."  Nickel can cause allergies in some people, similar to the drying you mentioned.  In some cases, the allergy can develop with prolonged exposure.  Perhaps the nickel on your ring is breaking down, causing minute particles to be deposited on your skin, leading to an allergic reaction?  Maybe you could have a jeweler look at your ring and recommend whether it's time to get it redipped or not?
  • Maybe.  I was thinking may soap getting caught under it and drying it out.  It is weird that it is indented though.
  • Could be pregnancy related.  I have known people to get excema from rings while pregnant (and only on certain fingers). 

    Ask ElizabethD....she seems to know a lot of pregnancy related stuff ;)


  • imageluluroo:

    Ask ElizabethD....she seems to know a lot of pregnancy related stuff ;)


    I am sure she has done extensive research regarding this matter.  Bwahahaha.

  • This was happening with my wedding bad.  This summer at a trip (non related) to the dermatologist., he tested it for nickel but there wasn't any.  He said it was an allergic reaction.  We found out it was from hair spray.  My band is really thick so it was getting trapped under it. 
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