High-Risk Pregnancy

Tuesday bed rest checkin

Good Morning ladies!

How did everyone sleep?

Milestones, appts, updates?

QOTD: Is there something about you that drives your SO crazy or something he dislikes?
BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
Its a surprise! Team green!

Re: Tuesday bed rest checkin

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    I slept good!

    Had a good ultrasound yesterday. Baby is measuring 6 pounds, 84th percentile. Head in the 90th percentile and buddha belly in the 80th percentile. The tech said that the head is more likely to me off though in breech babies and is more likely to throw the whole weight off by a half pound either way. So we will see. My dh has a big noggin so maybe babes is taking after him. 

    I was contracting a lot yesterday. It was pretty consistent on my nst, So my Doctor checked me. I am dilated to 1 cm and cervix is extremely short (but we knew that). She said she could not feel membranes though, so that's good. She said she could feel the butt bouncing against her finger and if she didn't know better she would of thought it was the head. I think i missed a dose of my procardia because I could not remember if I took it or not (was pretty sure I didn't, but not positive) Since I already take a higher dose I was afraid to take it just in case I had taken it. So hopefully the contractions were due to missing a dose?

    I talked to my doctor about more activity, she still seems like she wants me to lay low with me contracting and my cervix. She did say she felt much better with me being over 34 weeks and with the baby's weight. She said I can do a little more light work around the house but to relax if I am contracting. I asked about going to the store to buy a "take home" outfit and clothes. We had our showers but did not really get clothes (besides 3 sleepers) so we need items to dress baby in when we get home. I know we will get stuff after baby arrives but we need stuff for when we first get home. She was ok with that as long as I am not alone and have a game plan of where we are going, and get what we need and go back home and take it easy the rest of the day. She was like if they have an electric scooter, it wouldn't hurt to use one of those. I am completely ok with that. It gets me out!! We don't plan to go until this weekend, so I will be 35 weeks. I hope I do not deliver this week because after friday my hubby is off for two weeks. So if I am to deliver early I hope its in those two weeks. I think my doctor is thinking it will probably be in december, we will see though. 

    QOTD: My DH says I nag him too much. I am sure there is something else, but I would have to ask him. I wouldn't need to nag him though it he didn't take his sweet ass time and if he would remember things ; )
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

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    Morning!  Last night was a bit annoying.  I had my nightly NST and there were a few odd decels per my nurse.  My doctor wanted to keep me on for a couple of hours and maybe move me over to L&D for overnight monitoring.  Luckily baby cooperated and did very well per L&D nurse.  I think the postpartum nurses get much more alarmed then the L&D nurses.  When all was said and done it was 2:30am, so I am sleepy today, but glad baby was not in distress.

    Almost positive I will be heading home sometime tomorrow!  So excited!  My MFM also said I can do modified activity.  Nothing crazy, but I'm not bed ridden like I thought I was going to be.  My husband is definitely nervous to have me home, but I'm so glad to be getting out of here!

    QOTD: I'm a little OCD when it comes to cleaning and my husband is pretty messy, so he goes nuts when I go on cleaning/organizing frenzies!
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    Slept well last night.  No updates.  I have been super crampy the last couple of days, amongst other things, hopefully it's not labor.  I'm hoping it's how it goes the farther you are into pregnancy.  I have never made it this far so I am not sure what is normal.  

    The thing that annoys my husband would also be my OCD.  For example, when I start something I have to finish it and will be focused on it until it is done.  Unfortunately, a lot of the house projects we have are those that he is the main on doing the work so I have to stop myself from micro-managing.  A bonus is that he is a bit of a perfectionist with his work so even if it takes longer than I would like it's always nice in the end.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Hi all,
    Sleep was so so..on and off....
    Appt went well yesterday, but now I have 2xday nst JOY!...ill be soo happy to hit 36 weeks..then I can really get some things done

    My DH says that I don't clean up after myself. But I call it organized chaos. When im doing a project or cooking I may mess up every dish or pot, but Im real good at cleaning it up....but he cleans while hes cooking...but thats the only thing he complains about. I don't know how many times Ive cleaned up protein powder off the counters...or pick his socks off the floor..oh well, I think he was reaching on that one... I would've thought he would say that I nag too much....but I think he secretly likes it to remind him to get his S... together.

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    @bossyfnp - are u in the hospital now? Or do u go in 2 Times a day for nst?
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

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    Oh I have to go in...oops 2 times a week...i mean
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