June 2014 Moms

2d u/s vs. 3d/4d at 14+weeks

Hey ladies, curious for your input. At my 12 week appt. (I was 11 w 4days) they said it looked like we may be having a boy and that the baby measured 12 w 1 or 2 days. So actually the baby is measuring ahead! We are going this Saturday to find out the gender and the give the options of 2, 3 & 4D u/s. Which do you recommend for us to find out with? I will be 14 weeks Thursday so if baby is still growing ahead of schedule, we may be able to see a little more. What was your experience finding out this early or do you have good advice for me? Thanks a bunch!

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Re: 2d u/s vs. 3d/4d at 14+weeks

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