Cloth Diapering

(OT of course) Milk?

edited December 2013 in Cloth Diapering
My milk supply has been dropping significantly recently.  My husband thinks part of the reason that Henry is so fussy all the time is that he's not getting enough milk, especially at night.  I kinda think this is true.  His wet diapers have started dropping off, and he rarely wants to nurse during the day any more, only right before nap and then at night.  We've been giving him almond milk, but he keeps spitting it out.  He's allergic to cow's milk (which also nixes other animal milks like goat) and soy has given him stomach issues.  I plan to keep nursing him indefinitely, but he definitely needs something else to supplement.  Any suggestions on what to try next?

Re: (OT of course) Milk?

  • I can't really help with supplementing because I haven't had to do that yet, but have you tried working on your supply so the supplementing isn't needed? Some of the suggestions I have heard a lot of people using mom's milk, drinkings tons of water and power pumping to build there supply back up.

    Ignore me if I am way off!


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  • When I was doing an elimination diet I drank hemp milk, which wasn't bad. I think technically it might fall into the nut category, but I decided I would be happy to be ignorant on that one so I didn't research it too much.
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  • stoneycakesstoneycakes member
    edited December 2013
    My DS is MSPI and we give him oat milk.  I have only found it made by one brand (Pacific).  I like it because it's comparable calorie-wise to cow's milk and it has more protein than most other milk alternatives.  And I actually think it tastes the best, too.

    ETA: I just googled it and apparently there are a lot of brands that make it.  It must just be limited in my area.
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  • Why not coconut? It's what I use for everything.
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  • edited December 2013
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  • We drink coconut milk! We switch between Almond and Coconut, but I think my husband prefers coconut actually.


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  • Yeah, I used to get mostly coconut, but my family all preferred almond.  I'll get coconut when I go this week.  

    And now I feel guilty about not just trying to increase my supply again.  Off to dig out my Mother's Milk tea...
    Aww please don't! I haven't had supply issues so I was just asking out of curiousity not because I have been there done that. I can imagine how hard it is to increase your supply, especially after bfing a year!!


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  • My dietician actually said that coconut milk was one of the better milk alternatives. Since it's high in good fats. Rice milk was the one she said not to use as it's high in sugar like almond milk can be if you don't do unsweetened. I'd try coconut milk.
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  • Coconut milk would probably be my second choice.  In fact, DS is drinking some today because we ran out of oat milk, lol.  I mostly chose oat milk because it was so much higher in calories and my DS does not gain weight easily.  Plus I like that it has protein.  If you're interested in the oat milk, you can buy cases of it on Amazon with free shipping if you have Prime.

  • My dietician actually said that coconut milk was one of the better milk alternatives. Since it's high in good fats. Rice milk was the one she said not to use as it's high in sugar like almond milk can be if you don't do unsweetened. I'd try coconut milk.

    Maybe I had them mixed up in my head.  I'll try the coconut milk, but I'm not hopeful.  It's like if it's not breast milk he's just not interested.  

    What if you get the vanilla flavor? Does that give the sweetened aspect of BM enough to trick him?

    We had a rough time getting E onto other milks. We had to go through cups like crazy till we found just the right one (the nuk soft spout), we mixed it with 75% BM, the. 50%, then 25#, then straight. We did a week of each. We still had to heat it for her too until just recently. Spoiled little thing, she is.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
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    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • Yeah, I used to get mostly coconut, but my family all preferred almond.  I'll get coconut when I go this week.  

    And now I feel guilty about not just trying to increase my supply again.  Off to dig out my Mother's Milk tea...
    Don't feel guilty!  Good job mama for making it to a year!  That's our goal time right here :)
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