High-Risk Pregnancy

monday bedrest checkin

Good morning ladies!

How did everyone sleep?

Milestones, appts, updates?

I don't think I know this about a lot of you.. Do you know what your having? Names picked out?
BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
Its a surprise! Team green!

Re: monday bedrest checkin

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    Good morning!

    Slept great last night.  Today I am officially 35 weeks!!  :)  I am supposed to have my cerclage removal tomorrow but I am trying to push it back into next week if possible so I am at least in the 36 week range if I were to go into labor.  Seeing as how irritable everything has been I feel like I would be one who would dilate quickly upon removal.  I left a message and am awaiting a callback at this point.  

    We are having a boy! :)  Still no name!!  We were down to three and now two but we cannot make up our minds and are questioning if we even really like them anymore.  We just might have a nameless baby for a while if he comes soon.  Hopefully we'll figure it out soon!
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    @JandM-35!!!!  Woooohooo!!!!!

    Waiting on my MFM to see if I will go home today.  I'm pretty indifferent at this point.  What's 3 more weeks?  It would be nice to be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas, but if she's still concerned about me going home, I can deal.  Anxiously waiting to hear though!

    QOTD: We are having a girl and her name is Riley Hope.  :-)
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    Update: I got through to my doctor and we pushed the stitch removal back until next week.  I feel better being 36 weeks compared to 35 if I were to go right into labor.  It will be Christmas Eve morning!! :)  We just might have a little Christmas elf on our hands.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Oops I didn't realize it posted two times. My bad. :-/
    BFP #1 (7/13/12) MC (8/14) 9 weeks. D & C 8/17.
    BFP #2 (5/18/13) due 1/26/14. Grow baby grow!
    Its a surprise! Team green!

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    @Roses-I like the two posts, it gives me something else to do!  ;-)

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    Late check in. Appt went well. Not dilated anymore still @3cm.She decide to leave the pessary in...citing that she would feel bad if it came out and then i went into labor and then we'd be questioning why we didnt leave it in..but they had to replace the whole pessary after about 3-4 attempts at inflating and deflating. Ive been crampy since, not fun....
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    JandM524 said:

    Good morning!

    Slept great last night.  Today I am officially 35 weeks!!  :)  I am supposed to have my cerclage removal tomorrow but I am trying to push it back into next week if possible so I am at least in the 36 week range if I were to go into labor.  Seeing as how irritable everything has been I feel like I would be one who would dilate quickly upon removal.  I left a message and am awaiting a callback at this point.  

    We are having a boy! :)  Still no name!!  We were down to three and now two but we cannot make up our minds and are questioning if we even really like them anymore.  We just might have a nameless baby for a while if he comes soon.  Hopefully we'll figure it out soon!
    If you don't mind me asking how did they remove your cerclage? I had an emergency cerclage placed at 19 weeks and will have it removed at 35 weeks. I'm hoping to go longer if I can.

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    I didn't see your reply. Sorry. Glad you got to push it back. How are they planning on removing it? I had a spinal to place mine, I'm just wondering is it also a simpler procedure?
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    Kayrock18 said:
    I didn't see your reply. Sorry. Glad you got to push it back. How are they planning on removing it? I had a spinal to place mine, I'm just wondering is it also a simpler procedure?
    I had a spinal when it was but in but I won't have any pain meds at all for the removal.  It is an in-office procedure and supposed to be simple if everything goes as planned.  They use the same large metal speculum that they used to put it in and snip the stitch and pull it out.  

    How many weeks along are you now?  I will let you know how mine goes next week.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    JandM524 said:

    Kayrock18 said:

    I didn't see your reply. Sorry. Glad you got to push it back. How are they planning on removing it? I had a spinal to place mine, I'm just wondering is it also a simpler procedure?

    I had a spinal when it was but in but I won't have any pain meds at all for the removal.  It is an in-office procedure and supposed to be simple if everything goes as planned.  They use the same large metal speculum that they used to put it in and snip the stitch and pull it out.  

    How many weeks along are you now?  I will let you know how mine goes next week.  

    I'm 23 weeks. I did my cervical u/s today and everything looks ok. I'll continue to have it checked every week In case it starts to shorten/open he will remove it right away or at least get an idea of how soon I would get the steroid shot to help her. Hopefully I'm able to just keep the cerclage until I'm 35 weeks. I see my doctor on Friday so I'll have an idea of what he's thinking. 3 weeks ago he was pretty sure once I hit 24 weeks I would start getting the steroid shots. Hope I don't need it right away. As of right now I'm also doing Pregestorome shots along
    with the u/s weekly.

    I'm very anxious and nervous after going through the emergency cerclage. I'm hoping removal is less intense and much later down In my pregnancy. Please do keep me updated on how it goes for you. Hope all goes well. T & P
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