High-Risk Pregnancy

What are you guys doing for Christmas?

Ladies in bed rest,
What are you guys doing for Christmas? We are staying alone with our toddler since DH family is 2-3 hours away and my family lives overseas. I was a little emotional about spending alone as I'm used to have a huge Christmas with extended family around, but I'm trying to be positive and make things fun this year even though its just us. How about you guys? Anyone else on the same boat? What are you making this time to make it extra special? Looking for more ideas!
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Re: What are you guys doing for Christmas?

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    We are staying around town this year. We are going to my father and step mom's. My dad who has been a grinch since my brother and I grew up actually decorated his house and put up a tree. Lol.. bought the baby a Christmas outfit. Just spending time with him. Sometimes since he lives the closet he gets the short end of the stick on the holidays. They live about 1.5 hrs away.

    I am still exhausted from traveling over Thanksgiving to my mom's. Unfortunately both of our parents are divorced so juggling 4 parents who don't live in the same states gets tricky sometimes.
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    Staying home, I don't feel like traveling to be with extended family and don't feel like hosting. It'll be a quiet, relaxing day with the 3 of us.
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    Low key turkey dinner at home with one guest, myself, and my SO.  We move into our new house on Saturday, so a laid back/no travel necessary holiday is much needed on our end.


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