Herkylyes (hercules) and if it was a girl, Dystinee (destiny). I almost puked when I heard it. She specifically said she wanted those spellings because they were unique. gag me.
I know English is my second language but when did the letter Y make a U sound? That doesn't make it youneek it makes me think the mother is extremely illiterate
sorry, i spelled it wrong, they want hyrkyoulys and she said she's set on the girl name Haillie and Dystinee as middle name. I asked her with 2 L's, is that an error, and she said no, she wants it to be unique. smh, wow.
sorry, i spelled it wrong, they want hyrkyoulys and she said she's set on the girl name Haillie and Dystinee as middle name. I asked her with 2 L's, is that an error, and she said no, she wants it to be unique. smh, wow.
Oh for the love of god, if your going to pick a well known greek mythological being at least spell it right.
And the girls name makes me gag because its so horribley misspelled
Re: fb baby names
And the girls name makes me gag because its so horribley misspelled