
XP: my little guy is here

Hello again, Ladies.
My apologies for the post N run the other day.  It was quite a roller coaster ride, and still is, but my little miracle was born Monday, Dec 9 at 5:37 am. He weighed 3lb 8 oz at birth and is 16 inches long. (I was 30w2days.)
I haven't written a birth story yet, but ICYMI, I had a preterm gross membrane rupture the previous Friday and was able to get both steroid shots in, thanks to the mag drip.
He's doing well in the NICU and just got moved to the high pressure CPAP and as of today is on 21% oxygen level. He's now taking 9mils breastmilk via infusion. He also received the last of his antibiotics today.
Tomorrow is his brain ultrasound, but so far he seems to be okay.
He was a VBAC double- footling breech, without anesthesia, emergency delivery, on a gurney in the OR.
I am doing well with my physical recovery but mentally and emotionally I'm a hot mess.
Looking forward to getting to know y'all more.

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Re: XP: my little guy is here

  • Congrats on your LO's arrival! Glad to hear he's doing well so far!
    Sounds like it was an interesting delivery!
    Totally normally for emotions to be running high and to feel a little all over the place. Make sure you're leaning on your support system, and that includes the ladies here!
    Wishing you a quick, uneventful NICU stay! :)
  • Congrats on your baby! Best of luck for an easy NICU stay.
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  • Congratulations on the birth of your son! That's great tat you were able to get both steroid shots and that he's already taking breastmilk!! It sounds like es a good size, too. My DD was born at 31 weeks 3 days and she was 3 lbs 11oz. She spent exactly 1 month in the NICU. I wish you a short and uneventful NICU stay.

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  • Congrats on the birth of you little boy!  I hope he continues to do well and your NICU stay is short :)
    Welcomed our baby boy Henry on March 15, 2013 (7 weeks early!)

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  • Congrats mama! Sounds like a scary delivery but I'm glad to hear he's doing well. Wishing him a safe nicu journey.
  • Congrats on baby boy's arrival! What a crazy delivery. I'm glad you are alright and that he's doing well in the NICU. I hope that his stay there is short and smooth. Take care of yourself, momma!

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  • Congratulations on the birth of your little guy. Praying for a short and uneventful NICU stay.



  • Congrats! I hope he gets to come home sooner than later!
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