High-Risk Pregnancy

seeing endo and MFM for GD?

its funny, I've found that MFM can be territorial with GD. I'm type 2 and only on insulin during pregnancy. I like my endo to manage me during pg bc she's familiar with my diabetic history. MFM will often try to undermine the endo and change my dose but I don't listen since my #'s have been good. Endo also has me email or call with updates and I read my #'s right off the monitor. MFM wants me to turn in my #'s like an assignment.
Anyone else in the same situation?

Re: seeing endo and MFM for GD?

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    I'm not yet seeing an MFM, but in my last pg I was only seeing an MFM since I was only GD then and now am T2. I seriously felt like they treated me like the dumbest person in the world (as well as every patient) and required that I go in to hand in "assignments". Even though I usually was able to tell them "You're going to raise my insulin by 4 units this week at this time" before they said anything. And the MFM made me wait about 2 hours+ for each visit. Lovely.

    I do NOT want to deal with an MFM aside from them doing the scans I have to have done. My endo is awesome and I love his team. He is seriously the most responsive medical professional I have ever worked with and he trusts my gut and my ability.

    I had to switch to a new MFM/lab this time around as the last one doesn't allow children in the office (seriously?) but I did have a couple of run-ins with the MFM at my new lab back then as well as now. He is a peach. I am NOT looking forward to dealing with him.

    On a side note, I did and do find it helpful when I write down my numbers. Its easier to see trends and absorb the larger picture, but agree its a PITA.
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    edited December 2013
    Last pregnancy I was managed by an endo and really liked it. I moved so this time I'll be seeing a MFM. My first appointment is next month; it took them almost 15 weeks to get me in! Both times I had to write my numbers down, but I think that's helpful. I can see trends myself and it also keeps me accountable for what I eat.

    ETA: I'm not on insulin yet this time (just Glyburide for now), but I can't imagine trying to deal with a nonresponsive MFM. That would drive me bananas! I will totally ask for an endo if this happens to me so I think sticking with your endo seems like a good idea.
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