June 2014 Moms

Favorite Nut- NBR

LKHoffaLKHoffa member
edited December 2013 in June 2014 Moms
I know a lot of people mention that they bring almonds during the day to snack on. I like almonds, but they probably aren't my fav.! I figured it would be a fun poll- what are YOUR favorite nuts!

Favorite Nut- NBR 64 votes

Almonds, duh!
12% 8 votes
Peanuts- classic!
9% 6 votes
Pistachios, you fool!
23% 15 votes
Pecans (Not Pe-can'ts!)
6% 4 votes
Cashews yum yum yum
35% 23 votes
Walnuts nom nom nom
4% 3 votes
Another 'fancy' nut- Macadamia's, Brazil Nuts, Pine Nuts, etc.
6% 4 votes
Nuts are just a topping that ruins ice cream in my book- bring on the sprinkles!!!
1% 1 vote

Re: Favorite Nut- NBR

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    I snack on honey roasted peanuts, but picked almonds.  I loooove warm almonds baked with cinnamon and sugar.  They are the nectar of the gods.
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    Brazil nuts, yum. Not a big fan of peanuts. Almonds and pistachios are pretty yummy too. Almonds were a life saver when I was BFing. I seemed to get instant hunger attacks with let down for the first month or two.
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    I chose the "fancy" nut option, primarily because I love pine nuts and pesto on pasta.  If I was choosing a nut just to snack on though, it would probably be salted peanuts. 
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    Peanuts and walnuts are my favorite!!!

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
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    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

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    ALL NUTS. I love me some nuts. :)

    Pistachio and pecans are my favorite.
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    I voted for peanuts, but I like mixed nuts.
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    Mmm, I love all of them! But I voted for almonds. I think I could eat more almonds than anything else.
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    I picked cashews but forgot about honey roasted peanuts! I love those. I want some now.
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    Lol. Idk why but as I was scrolling through thread titles I read this one and my mind immediately went to the gutter, even though I already knew what this was about...I even commented already! Bhaha. I need to get laid.
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    I love macadamia nuts but they are so expensive. I usually settle for sugar and cinnamon coated almonds, yum!

    Fun fact, peanuts are not nuts at all, they are legumes! :)

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