I've heard of a lot of women dreaming of boy or girl before finding out, but I'm curious as to whether or not it turned out to be true? We have zero preference and zero intuition about this topic, but I did dream that it was a girl last night for the first time.
Re: If you had a dream about the baby's sex, was it right?
I was right! We are expecting a baby girl. Mama knows best!
Pipsqueak born 6/9/14
With this one I haven't had any dreams.
BFP 3.8.16 EDD 11.20.16
Update: Just had my scan...it's a boy! I think I was dreaming about girls because that's what I was trying to convince myself it was since the last tech said that as a guess.
DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.
They're both girls.
Her: "it was iron-clad evidence that I was having a girl."
"And all the house elves came to help, and THAT was the day Voldemort was defeated!"
Zoe Johannah, born 6/3/2014
Then I had a dream I had a girl and when we gave her her immunizations she turned into a 7 year old girl... It was weird
Then I had a dream I miscarried a boy... Sooooo idk I find out Jan 27th... So.far.away.
J14 May Siggy Challenge
**Colleen Donaghy**