June 2014 Moms

If you had a dream about the baby's sex, was it right?

I've heard of a lot of women dreaming of boy or girl before finding out, but I'm curious as to whether or not it turned out to be true? We have zero preference and zero intuition about this topic, but I did dream that it was a girl last night for the first time.



Re: If you had a dream about the baby's sex, was it right?

  • I keep having dreams the baby is a boy!
  • My sister in law has 2 boys, and she said that with each pregnancy she kept dreaming it was a boy before she found out... So it might be true! I personally haven't had any dreams about a boy or girl yet :(
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  • I had a dream the other day that the baby was a boy.  I'll be finding out in 2 weeks if it was right.  

    The OWT says that you dream you're having the opposite sex than you really are.
  • I didn't care what the sex was, my husband really wanted a boy but I just kept dreaming and having a feeling it was a girl.
    I was right! We are expecting a baby girl. Mama knows best!
  • Last time I was dreaming about a boy and I was right. This time I have been dreaming girl.. Will find out next week
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • With DD I dreamed she was a girl the night before we had our anatomy scan. 
    With this pregnancy I've had both girl and boy dreams so who knows. I also have no intuition with this one like I did with DD.
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  • Nope, at least not with me. With my first, had dreams that I was having a girl and I had a boy. This time around, my first dream was twin girls, before I knew I was pregnant. Since then I have had dream of baby being a boy, then a girl with my next dream. Hey! Maybe this means I'm having twins, a boy and a girl! Wow, that would be a lot to take in at first.....
  • I have had dreams of a boy since before we were TTC and continued to have them once I got my BFP, we found out on Tuesday that he is definitely a boy :)

    Me: 23 Hubby: 26
    Married: April 2011
    Son: May 2014
    Baby #2 Due: April 4th, 2016
  • I did with my daughter. I dreamt my deceased grandma was holding her.
  • I had a dream very early on that it was a girl. My gut instinct has been saying girl for a few weeks. We won't find out for at least 3 weeks though.

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  • I had two distinct dreams of a girl last time and had a girl.
  • I had a dream about 6 months before I got pregnant with my daughter that I had a baby girl.  It was so vivid that I woke up in tears because waking up meant my baby was gone.  I had always wanted a boy first, but I loved that baby girl.  We weren't even trying at the time, so I think I was a little sad for a bit and then I forgot all about that dream.  After our AS with our daughter (almost a year later) when we found out it was a girl, H was like - Of course it was.  Don't you remember your dream?  

    With this one I haven't had any dreams.  
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    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


  • All my baby dreams before I got pregnant I had a boy. But the one time I had a baby dream while pregnant the baby was a girl and she grew up in my dream. Guess we'll find out soon!

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  • I felt the baby was a girl and dreamt it was a girl the day before I found out it was a boy from my Panorama results. So much for women's intuition :-S
  • With my last two, I had dreams but could never tell the gender-- the baby was always covered in a white blanket, only wearing yellow or green onesies, etc, but knew knew KNEW in my heart they were boys. With this one I have had boy, girl, and unknown gender dreams, and have no clue! 
  • I have had a feeling that it's a girl ever since finding out I was pg. My mom and DH's aunt also think it's a girl. We'll find out if we're right in 3 more weeks. I don't care either way as long as she/he is healthy.
  • Ive had a girl dream and a boy dream!! I find out on Wednesday.
  • With ds I had my first dream that he'd be a boy, then every dream after that was all about having a girl. I didn't dream of him being a boy again until I had found out he was a boy lol... I had my first baby dream the other day, and I was expecting a boy again... so we'll see in like another month if my dreams are right again!
  • ElTrain5ElTrain5 member
    edited December 2013
    I've had dreams of her being a girl. Will Find out next Monday!
    Update: Just had my scan...it's a boy! I think I was dreaming about girls because that's what I was trying to convince myself it was since the last tech said that as a guess.



  • I really hadn't had any baby dreams until last night, but last night I dreamed that we had decided on the name Elodie. I suppose that means I dreamt girl?
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  • No dreams; however, about a week before I found out I was pregnant, I had this overwhelming urge to write a letter to my Mom (technically, my stepmom, but she adopted me) to tell her why I'm naming my future daughter after her. I had no symptoms, and we definitely weren't "trying," but I wrote the letter and sealed it to give it to give to her in the future. I found out about a week later and recently learned we're likely having a girl!


  • I had a dream it was a girl and sure enough it's a girl!!
  • No boy or girl dreams this pregnancy. But with my son I had a dream a few weeks before our anatomy scan that it was a boy.

    DS #1 born January 2010. DS #2 due June 2014.

  • I had a lot of dreams that my son was a girl when I was pregnant with him. I have heard the OWT that whatever you dream is the opposite.

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  • FTM so it will remain to be seen if my dreams are correct. But I keep dreaming that I'm having a boy. Of course those dreams started after I got a fortune cookie that said I was having a son so my dreams may be stemming from that :)
  • I had several dreams that these twins were either boy-girl or boy-boy.

    They're both girls. :) my dreams aren't trustworthy.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My mom famously had a dream when she was pregnant with me in which she was at an open-air market at which someone told her, "ma'am you have no bananas."

    Her: "it was iron-clad evidence that I was having a girl."


    "And all the house elves came to help, and THAT was the day Voldemort was defeated!"

    Zoe Johannah, born 6/3/2014 


  • I had a dream that it was a boy and hubby thinks it's a boy. I guess we will see!
  • My mom famously had a dream when she was pregnant with me in which she was at an open-air market at which someone told her, "ma'am you have no bananas."

    Her: "it was iron-clad evidence that I was having a girl."

    Um, that's hilarious.


  • My gut feeling is I'm having a girl and the other night I dreamt I had my next sonogram and they baby was a girl! Guess we'll know in a couple of weeks!
  • With DD I dreamed she was a girl the night before we had our anatomy scan. 

    With this pregnancy I've had both girl and boy dreams so who knows. I also have no intuition with this one like I did with DD.
    Im in the same boat. With DD I just knew the second I got the call , hey you're pregnant. I just knew. This one I don't feel as connected.
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  • I haven't had any dreams this time yet, but during last pregnancy I dreamt I was having a boy...and each time I gave birth during my dreams he came out the size of a six month old. Yeah, I had a boy but thank God he was only 7lbs 15oz. and not ginormous as the baby in my dreams was!
  • First I had a dream I miscarried a girl...

    Then I had a dream I had a girl and when we gave her her immunizations she turned into a 7 year old girl... It was weird

    Then I had a dream I miscarried a boy... Sooooo idk I find out Jan 27th... So.far.away.
  • I've been having vivid dreams since early pregnancy that we are having a boy, but I have a gut feeling it's a girl. We find out a week from today!!!
  • With Elli, Dh and I both dreamed about little girls, and sure enough that's what we got. I haven't had dreams with this one.

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  • Very cool! Congrats!
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