Hi there, this is my first post and I only have mobile access so I hope these kind of posts aren't super annoying
I have been slowly getting my stash together and am so excited to share! I'm prepping tonight and wondering if this will be a good start, for NB I have:
12 GMD orange edge prefolds and 3 snappi's
8 GMD NB fitteds
9 kissaluvs size 0
5 Lil Joey's NB AIO
3 Blueberry mini coveralls
3 Bummis Super Lite Covers
1 NB RAR Cover
Also purchased Balm Baby Cloth diaper detergent and diaper balm (haven't seen any reviews here for this brand but read good reviews overall) and I have a few wet bags and pail liners on their way.
Alright so how am I looking so far?
Re: NB Stash
#2 3/2015
#3 3/2017
#4 10/2019