Cloth Diapering

NB Stash

Hi there, this is my first post and I only have mobile access so I hope these kind of posts aren't super annoying :/ I have been slowly getting my stash together and am so excited to share! I'm prepping tonight and wondering if this will be a good start, for NB I have:

12 GMD orange edge prefolds and 3 snappi's
8 GMD NB fitteds
9 kissaluvs size 0
5 Lil Joey's NB AIO
3 Blueberry mini coveralls
3 Bummis Super Lite Covers
1 NB RAR Cover

Also purchased Balm Baby Cloth diaper detergent and diaper balm (haven't seen any reviews here for this brand but read good reviews overall) and I have a few wet bags and pail liners on their way.

Alright so how am I looking so far?


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Re: NB Stash

  • I count 34 changes. I think I'd get just a few more PFs or fitteds. I've not heard of that detergent before. I just use Tide
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  • I've read a lot of good things about Tide. I have a septic tank and heard that I couldn't use powdered detergent with our machine (not sure how much truth there is to that). It seems like everyone recommends powder instead of liquid because of build up issues with liquid? The Balm Baby is a liquid form of soap here's hoping it works.


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  • Mandmeesh said:

    I count 34 changes. I think I'd get just a few more PFs or fitteds. I've not heard of that detergent before. I just use Tide

    I agree.

  • shan417 said:
    I count 34 changes. I think I'd get just a few more PFs or fitteds. I've not heard of that detergent before. I just use Tide
    I agree.
    I also agree that you might want just a couple more changes.  But consider making them something that will work for that in between stage when LO is outgrowing the NB stuff but isn't quite in OS yet.  

    Maybe some Kawaii Pure & Naturals, AppleCheeks Size 1, flats with Thirsties Duo Wrap size 1, or even some Thirsties Duo Fab fitteds in size one.  All of those options will go up to 15 - 20 pounds so you'll get lots of use out of them.
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  • That sounds like plenty to me, we had fewer than that with no problems. We did wash every 2 days at least, though. It wouldn't be amiss to get a few more, especially if they're longer-lasting ones like Kawaii P&N, but I think you'll be fine with that number. 

    Do you have wipes? 
    #1 7/2013
    #2 3/2015
    #3 3/2017
    #4 10/2019
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