High-Risk Pregnancy

Q for those who have had a cerclage removed

How long did the actual procedure take from start to finish?  I have my removal coming up and have a super sensitive cervix so I was wondering.  Thanks! :)
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Re: Q for those who have had a cerclage removed

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    My dr tried to remove mine in office at 36wks 5days. My cervix was very sensitive and also very short- we had to stop.
    I was in labor when he tried to remove it, so it may have been extra bad because of contractions. He tried for maybe 10 minutes.
    After my epidural that night, they tried to remove it again. I was about 3cm dilated. The doctor on call had a lot of trouble removing it, but managed to. I'd say it took about 15 or 20 minutes, but I was super out of it.
    I think if it's scheduled and everything is normal that it wouldn't take as long.
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    My dr tried to remove mine in office at 36wks 5days. My cervix was very sensitive and also very short- we had to stop.
    I was in labor when he tried to remove it, so it may have been extra bad because of contractions. He tried for maybe 10 minutes.
    After my epidural that night, they tried to remove it again. I was about 3cm dilated. The doctor on call had a lot of trouble removing it, but managed to. I'd say it took about 15 or 20 minutes, but I was super out of it.
    I think if it's scheduled and everything is normal that it wouldn't take as long.

    If its schedule is it still done with an epidural?
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    My doctor will not do it with any pain meds unless it becomes necessary during the procedure.  I didn't get too many specifics but basically it's not good to do a spinal/epidural too many times (probably for baby's sake) and I already had a spinal once when the stitch went in.  I have heard of people getting an epidural or spinal when taking it out though.  

    I guess the experience is even worse if you're in labor, which makes sense, so some doctors will give you an epidural before taking it out.  My date was pushed back into next week on Christmas Eve so I hope to make it that far!  
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    Kayrock18 said:

    My dr tried to remove mine in office at 36wks 5days. My cervix was very sensitive and also very short- we had to stop.
    I was in labor when he tried to remove it, so it may have been extra bad because of contractions. He tried for maybe 10 minutes.
    After my epidural that night, they tried to remove it again. I was about 3cm dilated. The doctor on call had a lot of trouble removing it, but managed to. I'd say it took about 15 or 20 minutes, but I was super out of it.
    I think if it's scheduled and everything is normal that it wouldn't take as long.

    If its schedule is it still done with an epidural?
    I was told that the first attempt would be in the regular office without medication. For a lot of women, that works out perfectly.
    If it becomes to complicated or painful, he'll schedule time for the OR.

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    Jand wow getting cercalge removed already yay!! Well my experienced sucked :-( I am very sensitive. I couldn't handle the metal spectrum. They tried in the office and I cried so they sent me to the hospital and I cried so they did a spinal. It was very quick about 5mins or less. I am not good with pain. Good luck mama, they niry don't do it with meds but even being on morphine in the hospital I couldn't handle it :-(
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    @kneenah1231: I remember your experience from your bed rest days. :(  I think we are very similar with the sensitivity.  When I went in with contractions at 28 weeks they did a spec exam after things calmed down to check my cervix.  They used the smallest one they had because my doctor was no longer doing any internals and it was the worst pain I have ever felt.  The speculum was giving me muscle spasms.  Ouch.  My doctor seems to think that we will be able to do it at the office, I am totally dreading it but trying to go in with a zen mindset to help things.  

    I hope you're doing well and enjoying your little girl!!  All of the pain we go through is so worth it in the end. :)
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    JandM524 said:
    @kneenah1231: I remember your experience from your bed rest days. :(  I think we are very similar with the sensitivity.  When I went in with contractions at 28 weeks they did a spec exam after things calmed down to check my cervix.  They used the smallest one they had because my doctor was no longer doing any internals and it was the worst pain I have ever felt.  The speculum was giving me muscle spasms.  Ouch.  My doctor seems to think that we will be able to do it at the office, I am totally dreading it but trying to go in with a zen mindset to help things.  

    I hope you're doing well and enjoying your little girl!!  All of the pain we go through is so worth it in the end. :)
    If its the same dr who put in your cerclage, removing it you might have better luck then I did because they know where to go.. :0(

    I am totally enjoying my little girl, She is now a little over a month and really keeping me sleep deprived. Totally worth every depressed bedrest day/wk/month... 
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