TTC after 35

Anyone in the two week wait?

Hi everyone, 
I am 2 DPO. And am really talking myself into not obsessing about everything I feel and also not testing until AF is due.

My LMP was 11/25/2013 I O'd 12/11/2013 on  CD 17. I tested with OPKS from CD 6 used walgreens cheapies until CD 11 then used Clearblue  Advanced Digital on CD 11, 12 and 13  I got a blank circle  On CD 14 and 15 I got a flashing smiley.  And on CD 16  I got a solid Smiley. CM and CP was monitored and was coinciding with impending O.

I BD'd like the dickens....... was having O pain from both sides CD 16 through CD 18

CD 19,  2 DPO  My Cervix is hard closed and CM tacky. SO I hope hope hope we got that egg.

12 days to go before I test........ 

Re: Anyone in the two week wait?

  • Yep.  Dpo 8 and know I need to continue to wait for the test.... I am not a patient woman...

                ***TTCAL January siggy challenge ***
  • I am same CD as you but have no idea when I O'd so I'm just waiting on AF. I have a shorter cycle (23-25 days) so if AF doesn't come by Thursday I will be testing on Friday.
    Good luck ladies.

      Me:39, DH:40

    DD born 8/96, DS born 8/04


    NTNP since 2006, active trying 1/13

    Natural M/C 3/13 at 7 weeks

    CP 2/14

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers


    All welcome

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  • I am about 4 dpo, but my chart is looking all over the place and FF isn't really convinced I O'd at all. Next month, I am OPKing. Meant to this month, and somehow never made the investment. (Still convinced I know my body well enough to do it without them. What a joke!)

    Happy, I like your mix of using cheapies and better ones. Is there a big difference in their effectiveness? Ease of use?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'm about 1 DPO. Will be testing on the 28th. 

    This is my first medicated cycle. I took Clomid on days 3-7, per my RE. Had an ultrasound on day 12 at the RE's office where they saw two "good" follies. One was 22mm, the other was 17mm. They injected me with Ovidrel and told me to BD that night and the next night. They also said I can test on the 28th. 

    Nervous and excited. Really hoping this takes as I had an HSG on day 9. I've heard that *can* make you more fertile for a couple months. Everything looked good with the HSG, no tubal blockages. 
    BFP: 5/10/14 after 14 cycles of trying!
    EDD: 1/21/15
    5/12 1st beta: 28
    5/14 2nd beta: 87.5
    5/23: 3rd beta: 4000.6 + saw gestational sac and yolk sac
    5/30: 4th beta: 17,852 + saw fetal pole and heard heartbeat! 127 BPM!
  • I am 8 DPO ovulation today based on FF.  I only used OPK's this month no temping.  CD21 showed I did ovulate not sure what day.  I no BFP this month I will definitely start back temping again next month and I am supposed to start on Clomid as well.  Not sure if I want to test early or just wait it out and see if AF arrives. 
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  • Yep, I had iui this past Monday, now the agonizing part...........
  • They seriously need to figure out a way to let us know immediately after ovulation. Hate the 2WW
    BFP: 5/10/14 after 14 cycles of trying!
    EDD: 1/21/15
    5/12 1st beta: 28
    5/14 2nd beta: 87.5
    5/23: 3rd beta: 4000.6 + saw gestational sac and yolk sac
    5/30: 4th beta: 17,852 + saw fetal pole and heard heartbeat! 127 BPM!
  • I'm on CD 18 and 7DPO (approx).   I am soooooooo being patient this month which is unlike me.   Had a mmc in October and didn't conceive in November, so I'm hoping this is our month.   Trying not to over analyze anything.


    BFP #1 - DS 2007

    BFP #2 - 8/25/13 - mmc 10/10/13

    BFP #3 - 1/14/14 - EDD 9/30/14

  • Yes, and another 30+ cycle... just get it over with already! 
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

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