TTC after 35

hsg test done/fsh

Had my hsg ( very painful for about 1 min, but I used no meds:-) ..) everything was perfectly normal...Dr was afraid of scar tissue...but nope...discussed my FSH at 7 he said was normal and showed I had reserve but doesn't tell quality...with the losses he said might be just hoping to get good egg that ? Is the clomid , shot etc make me produce more eggs therefore going to increase my chances of good egg that sticks? My H is confused about why all the meds etc, if we are in the same boat as before getting pregnant and miscarriage...or could this be just progesterone issue...thought you lady's might have some insight:-) :-) I start opk's Monday and go in for u/s , blood work at lh surg. Sorry so long of a post!
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Re: hsg test done/fsh

  • Glad to hear everytihing is normal.  What is your specific medication protocol, so we can better help?  I've never taken Clomid but my understanding is that Clomid is for ovulation issues. For instance I have a friend with PCOS and she doesn't have a cycle or ovulate.

    **** siggy warning - bfp & loss ****   ---- All Welcome ---

    Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)

    IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
    IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.

    IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
    IVF #2: Apr '
    14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
    IVF #3: June '14
    Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
    Currently benched while determining how to proceed.

    "Keep going until you can't fail"


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  • OK :-) I had two losses...ob said to wait for golden egg since didn't have trouble getting pregnant...everyone here suggested ob an idiot :-) lol I made an appt with re...he did 3 day blood work, clomid 50 mg 5-9..I took last one today. Hsg ordered and done today, then when I get lh surg he is going to do u/s and more blood work then I do trigger shot...based on the findings...then progesterone 200 mg, twice a day sustain me if pregnant...
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
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  • Well I've never been on Clomid, so let me say that first off. I'm sure there are gals on here who would be much more knowledgeable :) 

    As far as I understand it, Clomid is only used to get you to ovulate.  It's not a stimulation drug nor does it increase egg quality.

    This article may be a good resource for you -

    **** siggy warning - bfp & loss ****   ---- All Welcome ---

    Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)

    IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
    IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.

    IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
    IVF #2: Apr '
    14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
    IVF #3: June '14
    Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
    Currently benched while determining how to proceed.

    "Keep going until you can't fail"


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  • Yes, clomid is supposed to make you grow more than one follicle so you'd have a higher percentage of getting pregnant if you release more than one egg like in a natural cycle. I'm glad you will be monitored before you trigger as you can have too many follicles and be at risk for high order multiples. There can be too many "golden eggs"! Not sure of your age but clomid can thin your lining which can make implantation impossible. Generally it isn't good for women over 40 for that reason but it was true for me at 37. Lining was only a 6 and they still did IUI. Waste of time since 6 is too thin.

    TTC #1 since 8/1/10; Me:41 and BRCA1+, DH:46
    DOR (FSH 24.3)/ terrible egg quality ; homozygous MTHFR c677t
    5 IUI's: 2/11 to 6/11 and 1/12= BFN
    OE IVF#1-4 8/11-6/12= all BFN
    DE IVF#1 11/12 bad embryos= BFN
    DE IVF #2 2/13 BFP/Beta hell: m/c 5w6d
    CFNBC 7 months, not doing well; decided on guarantee program at RBA w/frozen DE
    DE IVF #3 1/14  ET 4BB; BFP;M/C 5w1d, incomplete m/c; MVA extraction in ER 7w1d

    DE FET#1 ET 3/1714; BFP, beta 1 3/27= 197, beta 2 3/31= 1586, beta 3 4/7= 13879!!
    First u/s= Twins with HBs at 6w2d! We are Team Pink x 2!!

    K & K born 11/21/14 at 38wks 4 days


    SAIF/PAIF Welcome

  • I get pregnant but cp and blighted ovum suggest either egg issue or implant issue. I would go in hcg would be little low and progesterone would be around 10.. they would start me on progesterone suppositories. But didn't work:( H is just wondering are these meds gonna help or should of we just tried progesterone at O..I think he feels bad I'm having to do all this...:-)
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • Oh to add re said he thinks I maybe releasing immature eggs ...causing miscarriage so clomid will help the egg mature and be bigger...I hope so ...something so natural has become such a science lab:(
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
  • I ovulate monthly but release immature eggs most likely so that is why I am doing injects with IUI... The meds make me get more mature follcicles and then I use the trigger shot to tell them when to release.... hopefully it does the trick or I am on to IVF in January.

    Clomid didn't do much for me ( I would only get one folicle and I get that on my own) and with the side effects and lining risks we choose injects. 
    ***siggy/ticker warning***

    Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
    Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR,  DH: normal

     IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
    - poor responder
    ***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
    IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
    FET 5/20- BFP
    1st Beta- 641
    2nd beta- 2166
    Sono- TWINS!!!!
    Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks.  Healthy and no NICU!  So blessed!


  • You are on menpur? Is it Im injection? I'm hoping this cycle does something:-) he hasn't mentioned iui or ivf yet...maybe if this month doesn't work.,.
    ***ticker warning*** DS 3/27/12 born 6 weeks perfect boy !! Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers [url=][img][/img][/url] image<a href="
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